Who is the founder of LOCKIN?

In around the 1970s, Don Campbell invented locking (also known as

Campbellocking), a unique improvisational dance step in a nightclub in Los Angeles. This dance step and its associated culture soon spread to the outside world and set off a craze, and also contributed to a new TV show at the time called Soul Train.

In this program, the dancers quickly demonstrate locking and pointing movements, and occasionally use hand slaps and splits to interpret their unique skills. style.

Don originated the improvisational dance style "Campbellocking" and continued to make it more stylish. He and

his partner Damita Jo Freeman toured around with the staff who organized Soul Train at that time. Soon after, Don formed another group whose main style was locking improvisational solo. group, its

name is "Campbellocking Dancers". This group was formed by Don Campbell,

Fred "Mr. Penguin" Berry, Charles Robot, Slim Robot and Sambo Lock.

The way they performed at that time was that dancers from Everyone lined up in a straight line to stand up and go solo and then step back.

During that time Greg Campbellock Jr., Scooby doo Foster, Leo Fluky Luke,

Tony Go-Go, Buddy Go-Go and Skeeter Rabbit were inventing new dance moves. Those movements

later became unified, just like what everyone has learned now.

In 1972 the Go-Go Brothers (in addition to the original Tony and Buddy, also

added Skeeter Rabbitt) became the first to present a fusion of skits and line dancing. Locking Dance Troupe

Whether it is a large-scale performance event or a small high school banquet, it is the stage for them to show off their skills.

In late 1972 and early 1973, Scooby Doo and Campbellock Jr. brought together the Go-Go Bros.

Skeeter Rabbitt, as well as female locks at the time such as Arnetta Johnson, Fredy Maxie and < /p>

Performed and interpreted it on stage, and also toured various places as a member of the Legendary Watts Writers Workshop


In the summer of 1973, under the planning of Don Campbell, the word "Lockers" was adopted and the well-known legendary dance company "The Lockers" was founded.

This group was the most energetic and influential group in the history of locking at that time. The company not only had the best improvisational dancers, but also top-notch line dancers. Dancers can use it.

The entire group consists of Don Campbell, "Slim Robot",

Fred "Rerun" Berry, Fluky Luke, Greg Campbellock Jr., the very prestigious

Chorographer Toni Basil and the young and talented The Lockers were formed by Adolfo "Shabba Doo" Quinones

and Campbellock Jr. brought his dance choreography experience from Creative Generation

to the art of locking. Gradually emerge in the world.

When The Lockers became popular, other OG dancers like Tony Go-Go and Skeeter Rabbitt joined the group in the 1970s and toured with them. At the same time, other underground groups such as 33RPM and Ghetto Dancers were also formed during that early period.

These groups include various combinations of old school locking dancers. This situation triggered

a dance trend, which gradually spread from the inner city of Los Angeles to the suburbs, and then from this country to that country.

Gradually spread out.

In 1975, the dance of locking had matured, and the first generation of The Lockers disbanded in the late 1970s.

The second generation reorganized in the 1980s and joined the old school. Dancers

"Alpha" Anderson, Lewis Green "Deputy" Lionel and Douglas "Big" D.

At the same time, in the 1980s, Tony Go-Go established a school in Japan to lead the public into locking

This field (tony go-go’s two sons are currently active in Japan (center), which set off another wave of people in the world who really want to know and understand the dance and culture of locking.