Jump for joy Lyrics

Title:Jump for Joy

Singer:Chen Xuejun

Chen Xuejun - Jump for Joy

Uzbek Folk Ballad Adapted by Baichuan

Listen to the music

Joyful Jumping Friends

Listen to the music

Joyful jumping friends

We are happy! We're happy

All in that fiery rhythm

The boy's tambourine beats

Joyful jumping friends

The girl's saree flutters

Joyful jumping friends

Dancing out of our passion

Dancing out of our love

The sun comes out to dance too

Dance with joy friends

The moon is out to dance too

Dance with joy friends

We're happy, we're joyful

All in that fiery rhythm

Old people are out to dance

Dance with joy friends

Children are out to dance too

Joyful jump! Friends

Dancing out of the happy and kind smiles

Dancing out of the innocent smiles
