Emblem: Novice (level 5) a badge indicating that the player is a novice
Emblem: Trainee (level 15) a badge indicating the player's current level
Emblem: Professional (level 30) a badge indicating the player's current level
Emblem: Royal Dancer (level 50) a badge indicating the player's current level
Emblem: Royal Dancer (level 50) a badge indicating that the player's current level
Emblem: Royal Dancer (level 50) a badge indicating that the player's current level
Emblem: King of Dance (Level 75) A badge indicating the player's current level
Medal: Rising Star of Dance (200 popularity) A badge indicating the player's current popularity
Medal: Superstar (500 popularity) A badge indicating the player's current popularity
Medal: Heavenly King Superstar (1,000 popularity) A badge indicating the player's Medal: Quest Master (50 random quests completed) A badge indicating the number of quests a player has completed
Festival Badge: Dragon Dance in Kyushu, when equipped, the soles of the feet will have a yellow dragon-shaped circle of light when dancing. Can be purchased at the store.
Lollipop (Dazzle Dance Elf), a lollipop that glows next to your head when you dance
Dance Group Badge: can be purchased at the store for 7 days, and can increase the value of your dance group's contribution when you wear it.
Out of Print Badge (Unavailable)
Strong Heart Witness the indomitable spirit of China (blue upward-facing fist)
Unity Heart Witness the spirit of China (2 hands holding each other - yellow)
Thankful Heart Witness the spirit of China (red heart-shaped)
Glorious Heart Witness the spirit of China (yellow sun-shaped)
Glory Heart Witness the spirit of China (yellow sun-shaped)
Glorious Heart Witness the spirit of China (yellow sun-shaped)
Glorious Heart Spirit of China (yellow sun shape)
PS: Dance troupe badges are also displayed in front of the person's name
The ones that increase experience or GB need to be purchased with QBs:
Trims: Wizards' Gemstone: Increase the experience of the game by 5%
Trims: Geniuses Gemstone: Increase the experience of the game by 10%
Trims: Ghosts Gemstone: Increase the experience of the game by 20%
Trims: Ghosts Gemstone: Increase the experience of the game by 20%
Trims: Gemstone: Ghosts' Gemstone The experience of the game is increased by 20%
Accessory: Gold Gathering Gemstone The money of the game is increased by 5%
Accessory: Gold Gathering Gemstone The money of the game is increased by 10%
Accessory: Gold Dotting Gemstone The money of the game is increased by 20%
Chatting ~Change color~ also bought with QBs:
Accessory: Golden Heart The text color of chatting is changed to yellow after being equipped with it.
Trim: Threshold of the Sea The color of the chat text changes to blue after equipping
Trim: Spirit of the Forest The color of the chat text changes to green after equipping
Trim: Wrath of the Lava The color of the chat text changes to red after equipping
Trim: Rainbow Glitter The color of the chat text changes randomly after equipping
The color of the chat text changes randomly after equipping
The color of the chat text changes randomly after equipping
The color of the chat text changes randomly after equipping