Someone give me the lyrics to the song Thirteen No Kisses.

Lyrics to "Thirteen Kisses" My friends want to hear a song

Listen to me sing about thirteen kisses again

They speak the truth

My friends

Listening to them and remembering them in my heart that's a lot

Parents aren't always close

Parents give us a lot of love

They give us a lot

That's a lot of money, my friends

My friends

Mother and mother-in-law are a lot of money

Mother and mother-in-law are a lot of money

She'll immediately turn her back on you

Wife kisses her

She's the one who knows what she's talking about

Though the days are dull, my friend

The hardships don't change her heart

Husband kisses her

Beware of women

Because it's not easy to start a family

This is the first time that a woman's life has been ruined by a woman's death.

The wife and children are sweet and sweet

The children are close to her

The flesh and blood are close to his heart

The children are close to his heart

The children are close to his heart

My buddy

The hardest and the most exhausting thing is to be happy with that

Brothers and sisters are close to his heart

The blood is the same and the blood is close to his heart

There is no need to look at the busyness of each other

This is a very important part of the story of the people.

It's a good idea to see your relatives in times of trouble

If you are a relative

There are rich and poor relatives

Rich relatives have a high threshold

It's a good idea to see your relatives

If you don't have money

It's a good idea to see your friends

If you have a brother

If you have a friend in need, you're a friend in need.

The love of the world is everywhere

The grains and cereals are called pro

Health is fundamental

The thrift and frugality is not wasted my buddy

Eat your food and don't forget the farmers

The ****producers are the most pro

Reform and opening up is warming the hearts of the people

My motherland has a new look everywhere

My motherland has a new look. New look my buddy

Happy life for ten thousand years

Hi yo