How long is the flower stick in flower stick dance

Flower stick dance is circulated in Shanghe County, East Bailizhuang area of a unique Han folk dance, history has a long history, it is a traditional Han dance, but with martial arts action, its range of activities, standardized action, from the human body's shoulders to the feet are active, beautiful and generous action, a strong sense of rhythm, to appreciate the flavor of the rich.

Flower stick dance props: flower stick: bamboo poles made of long 1.55 meters, tied on both ends of the copper, playing up the clatter. Bamboo board: is an accompanying instrument. Flower stick made of wood or bamboo poles, about 100 centimeters long, dug at both ends of the hole through the hole embedded in the copper or small copper cymbals. It is made of a wooden stick or bamboo pole with a diameter of 3 to 4 centimeters and a total length of about 100 centimeters. At each end of its four or five hollow holes or dig a long, thin hollow holes, respectively, embedded in four or five coins or small cymbals and become. Shake the flower stick copper money impact hole wall clatter.