smiling, distracted, weak, sharp, askew, disheveled, messy, sudden, fleeting, interested, glittering, naked, eyes closed, faces blue, moaning, tossing, desolate, struggling, grumbling, silent, dirty, frequent, warm, fresh, bright, disappearing, trembling, pale, legs closed, noiseless, strange, immobile, softly, softly. Slowly, silently, timidly, angrily, dimly, shivering, wetly, trembling, talking to oneself, softly, cogently, guiding, difficult, forfeiting
Courage, clear, memories, flowing, autumn, high, clear, against the current, rumbling, smiling, standing, crowded
Tears, monsters, monsters, saints, sages, mysterious, cold, silent, observing, stern, grudging, deep, deep, embracing, brightly, shining
Advance, sunrise, morning, sunset, dazzling, reddish, golden, warm, rippling. Golden Warm Sparkling Colorful Miserable
Deafening Cruelty Disappearing Hatred Scandalous Strong Outbursts Painful Silence Subduing Sharpness Heartlessness Scorn Scrutiny Tiredness Envy Clean and Beautiful Prayer Clarity Terrible
Softness Patience
Orangish-red ships were swimming upstream against the blue waters of the Volga River while a sheet of golden blades was slowly moving upstream against the current. golden blade is slowly drifting downstream.
I was very afraid of my grandfather, I always felt that his green eyes were staring at me all the time.
The tune was sad and stirring, as if it were a river running down from the mountains, and it stirred in the room.
Often people heard them singing and stopped from under the window to watch them, the upturned faces reminding me of unwashed dirty dishes.
"Alas, you people ......!" He often sighed like this suddenly, not knowing what he was lamenting. The end of "O ye people ......" was always drawn out by him.
Itsuka walked out into the middle of the kitchen with a flushed face and danced like a flame: arms raised high, feet so fast it was hard to tell, shirt shaking and glowing brilliantly as if on fire. He danced as if he could dance all over the city by opening the door and letting him out! Everyone was infected and quivered after him.
As she sang, Grandmother moved forward, backward, and soared, youth returning to her in an instant, giving her a beauty like a flower in bloom. Everyone was captivated by her.
"Hey, Lexie, you're not a medal, you can't keep hanging around my neck, this is no place for you, go mingle on earth..."
So I went to the earth.
It was a long time later that I finally understood. The Russians, because of their poverty, because of the monotony of their lives, love to have fun with pain, to play with it; and often, like innocent children, they are seldom ashamed of their misfortunes.
In the long years of emptiness and boredom, fighting is a holiday, fire can be happy to relieve boredom; in the dull expressionless face, scars can also add color.
"Wake up, all men have to die, what is this? Isn't it true that the bird will die too?"
The shadows of the lamps no longer swayed, and the moonlight was clearly imprinted on the floor, looking so bleak and peaceful.
Broad and straight avenue, your wide production is given by God, axe and shovel can not help you, only the horse's hooves, dust and fall.
The sunlight dipped in and shone on the table, and the two long-necked bottles of gewurztraminer and vodka glowed a dull green.
Outside in the snow was bright and blinding. My birds were frolicking in their cages, yellow finches, gray finches, and goldfinches singing.
Autumn rains were falling, autumn winds were whistling, tree branches were swaying, it was cold and wet outside, but inside it was warm and spring-like, and everyone sat close together in harmony.
Granddad hooked his rolling arm around my neck, the book laid out in front of me, and he crossed to my shoulder, pointing his finger at the letters.
He appeared at the mouth of the alley, looking around, his hat over his ears, covering his big leaping face.
Grandfather braced himself slowly with his hands, his face scrunched into an axe, his eyes almost glazed over.
He walked back and forth through the house with his shoulders on end, and suddenly he slammed the door shut with a single reach, taking the heavy door hook with him.
The cobblestones of the dusty up-buried street were like swollen scars, larger nearer and smaller the farther away they were, stretching all the way to the Ostrozhnaya Square on that side of the valley, which was paved with clay, and on the clay was a prison.
The prison was gray, with a guard tower at each of the four corners, imposing and melancholy in form.
A fireman on duty, like a dog on a chain, kept going back and forth.
A patch of short roofs washed by the fall rains, long ago covered with thick dust again, crowded, like a caller at the door of a church, all the windows staring out, probably waiting, like me, for something to happen.
Grandma carried him back to bed as soon as she could, just as she had carried me.
Granddad flexed his front legs and tensed his back legs like a hunter on a Bear Hunt, and when Grandma went to plead with him, he wordlessly pushed her outward with his ribs and feet.
Smoothing her hair, braiding it, casually washing her face twice, blowing her nose, and with an angry look on her face, she stood up in front of the icon and began to pray.
Her smiling eyes gleamed as if she had grown much younger all at once, and she raised her heavy hand and drew a slow cross on her breast.
The room was all at once solemn, and the flies flew cautiously.
Happy sunlight shone through the windows from the garden, pearly dew glistened colorfully on the branches of the trees, and the morning air smelled of fennel, sour chestnuts, and ripe apples.
He pouted, clumsily picking up stones from the ground with trembling hands and firing back, cursing a trio of expletives that never came out of his mouth.
The pugilist winked humorously, and he could imitate the oriole, the jay and the cuckoo, and even the kitten. But it seems to have trouble learning human language.
There are many other things to remember about the family that are interesting. But an overwhelming sense of depression drove me close to suffocation, as if I had never lived in a deep, sunless pit. Deep pit, I can't see, can't hear, like blind, deaf ......
The soldier is also fat like a leather ball, sitting on the edge of the window to smoke, bulging face staring at coughing, the sound is very strange, like a dog barking.