Why is it that when I go to the toilet, after peeing and peeing I can pee a little bit again after a few seconds then I can pee a little bit again after a few seconds and so on and so forth all the ti

Why is it that when I go to the toilet, after peeing and peeing I can pee a little bit again after a few seconds then I can pee a little bit again after a few seconds and so on and so forth all the time I have to pee and urine

It's not necessarily that urine is produced quickly, consider several things.

People in the aging process, the function of all organs will be degraded, the urinary system is no exception, and "urination" related diseases suddenly increased. The problem of urination brings a lot of annoyance to normal life, work and social life. Urination is a complex process, not only related to the urinary system, but also related to many other organs, such as the heart, brain, endocrine system.

There are many diseases associated with urinary dysfunction, and the symptoms are complex. In layman's terms, there are three main categories: not being able to hold it, not being able to urinate (or not being able to urinate), and not being able to sleep well. The symptom of incomplete urination is difficulty in urination, which is more common in men, and the common causes are prostate hyperplasia, low bladder function, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson's and other neurological disorders; for specific reasons, one should go to the hospital for consultation and examination.

Extended information


The normal number of times a person urinates is 6 to 7 times during the day and 0 to 1 time at night. Life, not only to pay attention to their own urination there is no problem, but also pay attention to care around the family members have these signs:

1, reluctant to go out shopping or travel by car for fear of not being able to find the toilet;

2, frequently get up at night to go to the toilet, sleep is not good; go to the toilet for a particularly long time;

3, urinate after the pants are often wet or often leakage of urine body There is a bad smell;

4, worried about coughing, sneezing or square dancing;

5, less willing to socialize with people and so on.

If you find such conditions, you should seek early medical attention.

People's Daily Online - Can't hold it in, can't urinate, can't sleep well, beware of "sewer" problems