Basic posture : The man's left hand should lightly hold the woman's right hand, and his right hand should lightly lean against the left side of the woman's waist right in the center, not over the middle.
The faces of the two parties should not be pressed together, they should not rest their heads on each other's shoulders, and their bodies should not be too close together. ? Both sides in the *** dance should be natural, relaxed, both sides through the coordination of a Zhen's cooperation to achieve the beauty of the dance and the beauty of the music and harmony.
Expanded information:
When the slow four dance music is slower, we can use the equal interval method. As for the dance posture and so on, it is the same as the slow three. When walking straight, the first two beats can be slightly larger, and the last two beats can be adjusted. Note that for boys, the accent is always on the left foot (girls on the right).
When the tempo of the song is a little faster, you can use two slow and two fast dance method, that is, "slow - slow - fast - fast". The slow beat contains two beats of the dance and the fast beat contains one beat. In this way, a bar actually contains six beats. Beginners can dance the first slow four, easy to learn, good dance. Of course, the second dance rhythm, more fancy.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Cotillion