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To date, China's hypertensive patient population is very large, but many people do not have enough knowledge about hypertension that leads to less-than-ideal control of blood pressure.
Blood pressure should be controlled at 140/90mmHg for the standard, below or above this value indicates that your blood pressure are not normal. In China, the control rate of hypertension is only 6.1%, and even among patients receiving treatment, 3/4 of them do not have their blood pressure controlled within 140/90mmHg.
Since 2005, May 17 every year was set as the World Hypertension Day, this year's May 17 is the 13th "World Hypertension Day", high blood pressure is known as a danger to human life and health "silent killer", we should enhance the awareness of hypertension prevention and control, to reduce the number of patients with high blood pressure, to prevent and control high blood pressure, to reduce the number of patients with high blood pressure. We should enhance the awareness of hypertension prevention and control to reduce the harm caused by high blood pressure.