Why do women always feel tired
Life often hear women complaining of tiredness, so is it that they are naturally delicate? Body is weak? In fact, there are many aspects of the reason, I now take you to understand the specific reasons. Excessive caffeine intake People in order to refresh, love to drink coffee, cola. But for women, too much caffeine will have the opposite effect, causing fatigue and drowsiness. If women feel tired, they should drink less coffee, tea and eat less chocolate. Snoring Overweight women are prone to snoring, which disrupts the sleep cycle and makes people tired. Reminder: snoring people do not use hard pillows These women should lose weight and quit smoking, otherwise the risk of stroke will be greatly increased. Anemia Anemia can cause low hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting the oxygen sucked in by the lungs to all parts of the body. When the body tissues are not supplied with enough oxygen, a person will feel tired. Women can suffer from anemia due to blood loss during menstruation or after childbirth. In addition, a lack of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia. If you often feel tired and have no energy, cold hands and feet, and dizziness, you should consider whether you have anemia. If the answer is conclusive, it is best to eat more spinach and red meat. Anemia cured, less than 30 days fatigue symptoms will disappear. Signs of a bad heart If you feel more tired than ever after cleaning the house, tidying up the garden or continuing to work, you should beware of heart disease. Experts say that many women don't realize that their hearts are failing, and that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in women. Detecting and treating heart disease in a timely manner can reduce fatigue. Urinary Tract Infections Women with urinary tract infections do not necessarily experience burning or urgency to urinate, but they do experience fatigue. In most cases, urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria in the urethra and are treated with oral antibacterial medication and the fatigue disappears within a week. Women have never thought of this, have they? Behind the tired actually hides so many secrets, so women want to get rid of tired words, should start from the above aspects, to find the right reasons for the right medicine.