Calendar check pregnancy men and women months, enter the month of pregnancy to count men and women

Calendar Check Pregnancy Male and Female Months

I heard that I was pregnant, five just finished square dancing amazons quickly surrounded me. Girl, are you pregnant with a baby or a baby girl?


Auntie Wang spoke fast:

You like to eat red meat ah, that is a boy.

When my oldest grandson was a boy, he was a boy.

If you like to eat eggs and yogurt and so on, then I tell you, ten is a girl, do not believe you ask Li sister, her daughter is pregnant every day to eat three eggs, yogurt to drink several cups?

Xiao old lady slowly:

Girl, I see you this stomach so pointed, certainly is a son!

It occurs to me that if Auntie Wang is a medical professor, her examination report must be purple:

The examination shows: the abdomen is not obvious abnormalities, symmetrical on both sides, the middle belly is smooth, pointed, and likes to eat eggs and yogurt.

Imaging opinion: ten is a boy, do not rule out the possibility of girls.

Prof. Wang suggested: Please combine with clinical, close follow-up.

The game of guessing boy and girl must be the most fun game after children playing slides and big moms dancing in the square.

The guessing game of whether it's a boy or a girl is instantly opened in a big way across the family through WeChat:

My mom: pregnant? Great, male or female?

Mother-in-law: really pregnant!

Son: second child? (

The mother-in-law said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Colleagues have: male female?

Neighbors have: male female?

Cousin is pregnant at the same time, and her Australian husband, Paul, is like this:

Your nose hasn't gotten any bigger? Oh honey, you're going to be carrying a boy;

Suffering from hemorrhoids? Oh baby, you're going to be carrying a girl on your back for a walk.

More than 700 years ago, gender prediction calendars were found in Chinese royal tombs. It predicted whether a woman was a boy or a girl by her age and the month of her pregnancy.

So I sent this form to Paul, and I could imagine his round eyes and delight at the treasure, as his voice instantly rose an octave, with a rush and. For Paul, the ancient Chinese prediction table was so mysterious! Too interesting!

This is really just another wives' tale of guessing the sex of the baby.

There's also an interesting company that uses a ring test, where you tie a wedding ring to a string and hang it from your belly to see if it swings back and forth or goes in circles, circular motion is a boy, swinging is a girl.

The geezers had the most fun playing guessing games! Listen to what the Pauls have to say.

Signs of a girl:

1. Severe vomiting + weight loss - the ultimate reward could be one.

2. You're particularly forgetful during pregnancy.

So the next time you can't remember where you left your car keys, maybe that's something to blame on the baby girl in your belly.

3. You're under a lot of stress.

Mothers with high-stress jobs are more likely to have daughters (probably because girls are less susceptible to internal disadvantages than boys).

4. Your baby is in the breech position.

Are you 32 weeks pregnant and your baby is still stubbornly lifting his head from the bottom up?

Now is the time to judge your daughter!

Studies have found that breech tends to be more common than boys, although they don't know why.

Signs of boys:

1. When you eat a high-calorie diet.

A study found that eating a high-calorie diet and eating a formal breakfast at the time increases your chances of having a boy.

The likely reason for this is that sons need more than daughters, so a high-calorie diet will favor the future.

2. You eat more during pregnancy.

Is it a boy or a girl? Apparently, your appetite knows. One study tracked future diets and found that women carrying a boy consumed 10 percent more calories than pregnant women.

Why the bigger appetite?

The researchers suspect that male fetus's may send their mothers a signal to eat more. This could explain why than are more likely to be born.

3. You develop diabetes.

The study found that mothers pregnant with boys are more likely to develop diabetes .

However, some scientists have shown that fetal heart rate is related to gender.

If the baby's heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, you have a boy; if it's over 140 beats per minute, you have a girl.

The only time there is an actual difference between the heart rates of boys and girls is precisely during labor , when women seem to have faster heart rates than men. The reason for this is unknown.

The guessing game of the October birth has accompanied human reproduction to this day?

And finally tell you how to determine the sex of your baby?

That is - wait!

In just a few short months, you will meet this adorable little person.

Above is the content related to the calendar to check the month of pregnancy male and female, which is shared about pregnancy. After reading Enter Pregnancy Month to Count Male and Female, I hope this is helpful!