The lyrics of the children's song "Sunshine

The lyrics of the children's song "Sunbathing" are as follows:

The little chair is placed in front of the door, who is going to sit in it? I'll dance and jump up and down

Who will sit in front of grandma's door when she's basking in the sun

Who will sit in front of grandma's door when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when she's basking in the sun when I'll dance and jump up and down

Small chair in front of the door, who will sit please grandma

Sunbathing in front of grandma's door, I put the dance up jumping up jumping up

Expanded Information:

Sunbathing in the Sun is a song filled with children's lyrics, music, and sung by children's songs. It is featured on the album Songs of Childhood, released on 2011-05-10, which contains 81 songs.

"Sunbathing" promotes the development of children's body functions and motor functions; many play activities require the participation of the whole body and are realized in the form of running, jumping, crawling, rolling and other movements;

its increases hand-eye coordination, promotes the development of perceptual functions, and facilitates the development of language; through the children's songs, children can practice their language comprehension and expression;

increases the vocabulary and sentence complexity, learn grammar use and language expression skills, improve language skills, promote social, emotional and personality development, and promote cognitive development;

It should be noted that listening to children's songs can promote blood circulation throughout the body, exercise cardiorespiratory fitness, and increase the body's motor control ability and flexibility of movement; it is conducive to the child's growth and development, and also promotes the child's hand The development of the operation ability and fine motor.