24-hour weather forecast in Yongchuan, Chongqing. What's the weather like during the day and at night today?

Weather forecast on the hour today in Yongchuan, Chongqing

02 o'clock cloudy 27℃ 03 o'clock cloudy 27℃ 04 o'clock cloudy 27℃ 05 o'clock cloudy 27℃

06: 00 cloudy 27 07:00 cloudy 28 08:00 cloudy 29 09:00 cloudy 3 1

10 cloudy 32℃ 1 1 cloudy 33℃ 12 cloudy 34℃ 13 cloudy 34℃

Cloudy14: 00 35℃15: 00 36℃16: 00 35℃17: 00 35℃

18 cloudy 34℃ 19 cloudy 33℃ 20 cloudy 32℃ 2 1 cloudy 3 1℃

Cloudy at 22: 00, 3 1℃, cloudy at 23: 00, 30℃