A elementary school in Shenzhen will change the radio drill into a ghost dance, do you think it is appropriate?
A elementary school in Shenzhen, why will the radio exercise in the middle of the classroom replaced by the ghost dance?In Shenzhen, there is a school has been the school's recess drill into the ghost dance ghost dance, it is a dance, this dance is very much emphasized power, in the process of jumping need to use some skills as well as power, and this school in order to be able to let the students of the cultural life is more rich a little bit to enhance the school door, improve the students in the life of the spirit of the outlook, so it is the recess directly to the ghost dance, so it is not a good idea. Changed into a ghost dance, in the dance of the ghost dance, every student is very happy, and action is very neat, from a distance looks very youthful and energetic, the school also achieved to let the students exercise and enhance the purpose of amateur cultural life.
II. Is it appropriate for schools to do this?Some people say, the recess drill itself is based on the physical development of students developed, it has a certain degree of reasonableness, but this school has taken the liberty of changing the recess drill into a ghost dance, this practice has some inappropriate, but more people see is the child bored in the dance of the ghost dance when the happy happy look, because the child bored in the usual study, in fact, it is very hard, can There is such a way for children to relax and exercise, parents have expressed great support, and even some people said they want to participate in the ranks of the students dancing the ghost walk, so the school's approach to the growth of children's needs, there is nothing inappropriate.
3. Can students accept this practice?Students for the acceptance of the ghost dance is in fact very strong, the school side after the teaching of the children found bored, can quickly master the ghost dance skills, and some of the children in the crowd can show their own children are also in the learning of the ghost dance after jumping very happy, coupled with the participation of popular songs, the children are able to enjoy the joy of the ghost dance in the classroom time, for the the kids, it was truly a relaxation, so the kids were able to embrace it.