How to dance two-step video instruction (2-step dance basic step instruction movement decomposition)

How to Two Step Dance Video Instruction Two Step Alternate Slide In, also known as Texas or Country Two Step Alternate Slide In, is a popular traveling dance among dancers who love country music. This dance is done in 2/4 or 4/4 time with a tempo of 170 beats per minute, which is not much different from the traditional stride. The two-step alternate slide has its roots in the foxtrot, and great dancers often borrow from the foxtrot to refine their steps. Method 1 Getting Started

1. Understand the two-step alternating slide. It is a common step in a wide variety of dances. Certain moves of this dance step are highly similar and then others are completely different. You should decide which dance step is right for you. This article discusses the Country Two-Step Alternate Slide-In, often referred to as the Texas Two-Step Alternate Slide-In. This step developed from a mix of Mexican and traditional German dances, and the foxtrot was a big influence on it. The Country Two-Step Alternate Slide-In is a very basic dance that is often used in bars or dance halls in the southern United States.

2. Understand the steps. Before you try to dance, first understand the moves themselves. Read step guides and watch other people's steps until you are confident and feel like you know what moves to do when. This will prevent you from getting confused while practicing.Youtube and other video sites are great places to find instructional videos, dance variations, and technique videos.

3. Practice. You need to practice before you dance with a partner or before you go to a more serious dancing situation. There are many options for how to practice; you can practice on your own or ask for help. Practicing on your own may be a more comfortable way to go if you are not confident in yourself or are shy. Practicing on your own is a great way to be able to learn to dance at your own pace, in your own free time. Practice with others. You can take dance classes and practice in a dancing environment. There are many options for dance classes available now, such as your community center, or a nearby dance school or club. You can also learn to dance by dancing with others in a ballroom. Learning from others gives you a real experience, which is much more fun than learning on your own. Method 2 Build the frame of your dance 1. Build your frame. A frame is a position maintained by a pair of dancers during a dance. The basic two-step alternating slide-in step has a traditional, stopping frame in the most common position. The frame is very important because it allows the lead dancer to instruct the follower without harming the partner by applying pressure at key moments. The lead dancer will place their right hand on the follower's left shoulder blade. But it should not be the base of the shoulder blade, but the middle part. The lead dancer's left hand holds the follower's right side. This position should be more relaxed, with the arm slightly bent. The follower places their left hand on top of the leader's right arm. The follower's fingers should be roughly on the shoulder seam line of the leader's shirt. The follower should place their right hand on the left side of the lead dancer's body, with the arm slightly bent. 2. Maintain an appropriate distance. The distance between partners depends on the dance position you choose. But the most basic positions require a distance of a few centimeters between partners. The correct distance allows you to easily allow your partner to rotate and to guide your partner with ease.3. Get into the position. There are many different positions for dancing two-step alternating slide entries. A novice may learn the dance using the most basic positions. You can also choose other poses based on personal preference and the poses of other dancers on the dance floor. Here are 3 poses to try: Standard Pose: One way to maintain the standard pose is for two people to stand close together. In the standard pose, the chests can touch each other, but the legs must be spread apart. To dance in this position, position your feet so that the two people can be shoulder to shoulder, with the follower's feet between the leader's feet. Embrace position: In this position, the dancers must be shoulder to shoulder. The follower's left arm should go through both bodies to hold the leader's right hand. The follower's right arm crosses to the left of the two to hold the leader's left hand and is close to the elbow of his or her own left hand. SHADOW POSITION: In this position, the follower stands in front of the leader. The leader places both right hands on top of the follower's stomach and the follower's right hand is on top of the leader's right hand. The left hands of the leader and follower are held together, hanging at the side of the body and slightly bent, as in the standard position. Method 3 Dance 1: As the leader steps forward to the left, the follower steps backward to the right. This is the first dance step and it should be danced quickly on the first beat. The basic dance consists of 4 steps, two fast and two slow. The slow steps take twice as long as the fast ones. The time is measured in beats, similar to other dances and music.2. Below, as the leader takes a step to the right, the follower takes a step backward to the left. This step should be made quickly on the second beat.3. On the third and fourth beats, the leader continues to step forward to the left while the followers step backward to the right. This step should be a slower step than the quicker step of Step 1. 4. On the fifth and sixth beats, the lead dancer again steps forward to the right, while the followers step backward to the left. This step should also be a slow step.5. Follow the dance line. The above step should follow the dance line. This is an imaginary line that is outside the dance floor. The faster you dance, the farther you are from the outside of the dance floor. The dance floor line moves counterclockwise. When dancing with other dancers, it is very important to maintain a good dance line. This prevents you from bumping into someone and hurting yourself or others. Method 4 Add dance patterns and flourishes 1. Learn some patterns. Dance steps can change with posture. This can be done by changing the order of the dance steps or the direction of the movements. You can decide which is better depending on your level of dancing and the movements of other dancers. For example, it is possible to dance just one slow dance step instead of two.2. Add busy movements. Make your dance more complex and beautiful by adding complex moves, such as spins. You can use these moves to accomplish different two-step alternating slide-in positions. You can easily complete a basic spin. After completing the first set of steps, the leader will release the follower. With both left hands still held together, the follower will begin to spin and then return to the starting position. After the spin it's time for the next set of 4 steps, so when the follower is in position it's time to start the following 4 steps. If you want some more complex moves, you can move from the standard position to the shoulder-to-shoulder position. After the first slow beat, you can begin this shift when the follower lowers his right arm. The lead dancer swings her right hand to touch the follower's right hand and makes an open position for the follower to rotate. After the follower has finished spinning, the leader and follower's right hands are held together, *** together on the follower's right shoulder, and their left hands are held in each other's hands hanging off the outside of the body and slightly bent. Warning to avoid a common novice mistake: lack of confidence!