Rosebuds have a strong fragrance, attractive flowers, petals can be extracted from the aromatic oil, its value is higher than gold, has a high medicinal, edible value.
Rosebuds like to be born in the bushes on the roadside, field, wall or hilly land, distributed in China's East China, Central and South China and other places. (Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Xinjiang and other places).
Wild rose more naturally distributed in the streamside, roadside and garden side, corner of the ground, etc., often dense clumps, full of brilliant branches, light rain or dew, petals red and wet, the scenery is quite pay good. Rosebud flowering rosebud flowering period from May to September, the next open, there are half a year, more varieties, the name is also very complex,