Does Li Duo Golden Sunflower Seed Oil contain many nutrients?

Li Duo Golden Sunflower Seed Oil is rich in many healthy nutrients, and its nutritional value is also relatively high. Here are some nutrients:

1. Unsaturated fatty acids: Sunflower seed oil contains up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and oleic acid, which helps to reduce blood lipid and cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health.

2. Vitamin E: Sunflower seed oil is rich in vitamin E, which has antioxidant effect and can protect cells from free radicals.

3. Cholesterol-free: Sunflower seed oil is extracted from plants and contains no cholesterol.

4. Minerals: Sunflower seed oil also contains some minerals, such as selenium, cobalt, zinc and phosphorus, which can meet the needs of some trace elements in the body.

In a word, Li Duo Golden Sunflower Seed Oil is indeed rich in nutrition, and it can bring many health benefits if eaten properly.