Dancing square dance as well as Latin dance and street dance usually lose weight fast, you can also do some calisthenics, which helps promote fat burning, so that the body's excess toxins out of the body, to achieve the effect of weight loss.
According to research people in aerobic exercise for more than 40 minutes, the intensity of fat-burning heart rate (i.e., 220 minus between 65% and 85% of the age of), it is able to mobilize the whole body fat, to achieve a very good burning whole body fat weight loss effect. The dance also belongs to the sports program, so on for the intensity of the dance, such as square dance, Latin dance, belly dance and street dance, etc., if the time of the dance every day is greater than 40 minutes will have obvious fat loss weight loss effect.
In the dance weight loss at the same time, strict diet control, you can lose weight more effectively.