Who are the scientists you know? What are his/her scientific achievements?

Zhang Heng - geodesic

Zu Chongzhi - pi

Sin and Yang - meridian

Galliard. -Mechanics

Newton - Gravity

Rutherford - Model of the atom

Ball -Quantum Mechanics

Hubble - Theory of Cosmic Expansion

Copernicus - Heliocentrism

Darwin -Theory of Evolution

Junior Newton

Newton:On January 4, 1643, in a family of homesteaders in the Lincolnshire town of Walthrop, England, Newton was born. Newton was a premature baby, weighing only three pounds at birth, and the midwife and his relatives feared he would not survive. Little did anyone know that this seemingly insignificant little thing would become a scientific giant who would live to be 85 years old.

Newton's father died three months before he was born. When he was two years old, his mother remarried to a minister and left Newton with his grandmother, and when he was 11 years old, his mother's step-husband died, and she returned to Newton with a son and two daughters from her step-husband. Newton was quiet and stubborn from an early age, a habit that may have come from its family situation.

Starting at about age five, Newton was sent to public school. As a teenager, Newton was not a child prodigy; he had ordinary qualifications and mediocre grades, but he loved to read, and he enjoyed reading books that described how to make simple models of machines, and he was inspired to make his own strange gadgets, such as windmills, wooden clocks, and folding lamps.

Legend has it that Newton, after figuring out the mechanics of a windmill, built a model of a mill himself, tied a mouse to a wheeled treadmill, and then put a grain of corn in front of the wheel, which happened to be just out of reach of the mouse. When the mouse wanted to eat the corn, it kept running, so the wheel kept turning; another time he flew a kite with a small lamp hanging from the string, so that at night the village people looked at it and wondered if it was a comet that had appeared; he also made a small water clock. Every morning, the little water clock would automatically drip water onto his face, urging him to get up. He also liked painting, sculpture, especially like carving sundials, home corners, windowsills everywhere placed on the sundial he carved, used to check the movement of the sun's shadow.

Newton was 12 years old when he entered Grantham High School, not far from home. Newton's mother wanted him to become a farmer, but Newton had no desire to do so and loved to read. As he grew older, Newton became more and more fond of reading, and liked to meditate and do scientific experiments. When he was a student at Grantham High School, he boarded at a pharmacist's house, which exposed him to chemical experiments.

Newton in secondary school age academic performance is not outstanding, just like reading, natural phenomena by the curiosity, such as color, sun and shadow seasons of movement, especially geometry, Copernicus heliocentric theory and so on. He also took notes on his reading, and was fond of making ingenious gadgets, tricks, inventions, and experiments.

At that time, British society was permeated with new Christian ideas, and Newton's family had two relatives who were both priests by profession, which may have influenced Newton's religious life in his later years. From these mundane circumstances and activities, it is not yet clear that the young Newton was a child of exceptional talent and unusual behavior.

Later on, his mother made Newton stop school and work at home to support the family. But Newton was so absorbed in his books that he often forgot to work when he had the chance. Whenever his mother asked him to go to the market with the servants to familiarize himself with the business of trading, he begged the servants to go out on the street alone, while he hid behind a bush and read. Once, Newton's uncle was suspicious, followed Newton to the market, and found his nephew stretched out his legs, lying on the grass, is concentrating on a math problem. Newton's spirit of learning touched his uncle, who then persuaded his mother to let Newton return to school and encouraged Newton to study at university. Newton went back to school, hungry for the nourishment of books.

The school years

In 1661, at the age of 19, Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, as a reduced-fee student. He paid his tuition fees with his earnings from chores for the college, became a scholarship winner in 1664, and received his bachelor's degree in 1665.

In the middle of the 17th century, the educational system of Cambridge University was still permeated with the strong odor of medieval scriptural philosophy, when Newton entered Cambridge, where some scriptural courses were still being taught, such as logic, ancient languages, grammar, ancient history, theology and so on. Two years later Trinity College took on a new dimension when Lucas created an original lecture that provided for the teaching of natural sciences, such as courses in geography, physics, astronomy and mathematics.

The first professor of the chair, Isaac Barrow, was an erudite scientist. This scholar had the unique ability to see that Newton had a deep sense of observation and a keen understanding. So he taught Newton all his mathematical knowledge, including the method of calculating the area of curved shapes, and led Newton into the study of modern natural science.

In the course of this study, Newton mastered arithmetic and trigonometry, read Kepler's Optics, Descartes' Geometry and Principles of Philosophy, Galileo's Dialogue of the Two World Systems, Hooke's Microscopical Atlas, and the history of the Royal Society and early philosophical journals.

Newton's time under Barrow was a crucial period of his studies. Barrow, who was 12 years older than Newton and adept at mathematics and optics, was extremely appreciative of Newton's talent, which he thought surpassed his own. Later, in reminiscing, Newton said, "Dr. Barrow was teaching courses on kinematics at the time, and perhaps it was these courses that prompted me to look into this area."

At the time, Newton relied heavily on self-study in math. He studied Euclid's Principia Geometrica, Descartes' Geometria, Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinity, Barrow's Lectures on Mathematics, and the works of many mathematicians, including Vedda. In 1664, Newton was chosen as Barrow's assistant, and the following year, the Convocation of the University of Cambridge decided to grant Newton a bachelor's degree.

In 1665-1666, a severe bubonic plague swept through London. Cambridge was not far from London, so schools were closed for fear of being affected, and Newton left in June 1665 to return home.

Because Newton in Cambridge by mathematics and natural science and cultivation, the exploration of natural phenomena have a strong interest in the quiet environment of his hometown and make his thoughts wings fly. 1665 ~ 1666 this short period of time become Newton's scientific career in the golden years, he was in the field of natural sciences in the thought of the tide of the burst of talent, thinking about the problems of the predecessor has never thought of, and into the field of the predecessor did not involve, the Newton's mind is not the same, but it is the same. He thought about issues that no one had ever thought about before, stepped into areas that no one had touched before, and created unprecedented and amazing achievements.

Early in 1665, Newton created the method of approximation of grades, as well as the rule of reducing a binomial of any power to a grade; in November of the same year, he created the method of positive flow (differentiation); in January of the following year, he studied the theory of colors with a prism; in May, he began to study the method of negative flow (integration). Within this year, Newton began to think of studying the problem of gravity and wanted to generalize the theory of gravity to the orbit of the moon. He also deduced from Kepler's laws that the force keeping the planets in their orbits must be inversely proportional to the square of their distance to the center of rotation. The legend of Newton's realization of the Earth's gravity when he saw an apple fall to the ground speaks of an anecdote that occurred at this time as well.

In short, during the two years he lived in his hometown, Newton was more energetically engaged in scientific creativity than at any time since, and concerned with questions of natural philosophy. His three major achievements: calculus, gravity, and the idea of optical analysis were all conceived and shaped at this time. It can be said that at this time Newton has begun to depict his life most of the blueprint for scientific creation.

Shortly after Easter 1667, Newton returned to Cambridge University, where he was elected to Trinity College's Middlesex Couple (Junior House Committee) on October 1, and then received his master's degree on March 16 of the following year, while becoming a Full House Couple (Senior House Committee).

On October 27, 1669, Barrow resigned from his professorship in order to promote Newton, who, at the age of 26, was promoted to Professor of Mathematics, and served as the Lucasian Professor of the Lucas Chair. Barrow cleared the way for Newton's scientific career, and without the help of Newton's uncle and Barrow, Newton, a horse of a thousand miles, might not have galloped down the avenues of science. Barrow gave way, which has been rumored in the history of science.

Great Achievements ~ Establishment of Calculus

Mathematical achievements figure prominently in Newton's total scientific contributions. The first creative achievement of his mathematical career was the discovery of the binomial theorem. As Newton himself recalled, he discovered this theorem while studying Dr. Wallis's Infinite Arithmetic in the winter between 1664 and 1665, trying to revise his grade for finding the area of a circle.

Descartes' analytic geometry relates functional relations describing motion to geometric curves. Newton, under the guidance of his teacher Barrow, found a new way out by delving into Descartes' analytic geometry. The velocity at any moment can be thought of as the average of velocities over a tiny range of time, which is the ratio of a tiny distance to a time interval, and when that tiny interval is reduced to infinity, it is the exact value at that point. This is the concept of differentiation.

Finding the differential is equivalent to finding the slope of the tangent line to the relationship between time and distance traveled at a given point. The distance traveled by a moving object with variable speed in a certain time frame can be regarded as the sum of the distances traveled in small time intervals, which is the concept of integration. Finding the integral is equivalent to finding the area under the curve that relates time and speed. Newton established calculus from these basic concepts.

The creation of calculus was Newton's most remarkable mathematical achievement. Newton created this mathematical theory, which was directly related to physical concepts, to solve the problem of motion, and Newton called it the "fluid calculus". It deals with some specific problems, such as the tangent problem, the product problem, the instantaneous speed problem, and the function of the great and small values of the problem, etc., in the Newton before the people have been studied. However, Newton surpassed his predecessors by standing at a higher angle, synthesizing the scattered efforts of the past, unifying the various techniques for solving infinitesimal problems since ancient Greece into two common types of algorithms - differentiation and integration - and establishing the reciprocal relationship between these two types of operations, thus completing the most crucial step in the invention of the calculus, and providing the most effective tool for the development of modern It provided the most effective tool for the development of science and opened up a new era in mathematics.

Newton did not publish the results of his work on calculus in time; he may have studied it a little earlier than Leibniz, but Leibniz took a more rational form of expression and published his work on calculus earlier than Newton.

The dispute between Newton and Leibniz over who founded the discipline turned out to be a humdinger, and the quarrel lasted for quite some time among their respective students, supporters, and mathematicians, creating a permanent antagonism between mathematicians on the Continent and those in England. British mathematics in a period of closed, confined to national prejudice, too stuck in Newton's "flow of mathematics" in the stagnation, and thus the development of mathematics lagged behind for a hundred years.

It should be said that the creation of a science is never the work of a single person, but must be the result of the efforts of many people, based on the accumulation of a large number of results, and finally summarized and completed by a certain person or a few people. Calculus is the same way, is Newton and Leibniz on the basis of the predecessor each independent of the establishment.

In 1707, Newton's lectures on algebra were organized and published under the title Universal Arithmetic. He focused on the foundations of algebra and its application (through solving equations) to the solution of various problems. The book states the basic concepts and operations of algebra, illustrates with numerous examples how to reduce various problems to algebraic equations, and provides an in-depth discussion of the roots of equations and their properties, leading to fruitful results in the theory of equations, e.g., he derives a relationship between the roots of an equation and its discriminant, and points out that the coefficients of an equation can be used to determine the sum of the powers of the roots of the equation, i.e., the "Newton's Power sum formula".

Newton contributed to both analytic and integrated geometry. He introduced the center of curvature in his Analytic Geometry published in 1736, gave the concept of close line circle (or curve circle), proposed the curvature formula and the method of calculating the curvature of a curve. He also summarized many of his findings into a monograph, Enumeration of Cubic Curves, published in 1704. In addition, his mathematical work covered a wide range of fields, including numerical analysis, probability theory, and elementary number theory.

Great Achievements ~ Three Major Contributions to Optics

Before Newton, Murray, Bacon, and Da Vinci studied optical phenomena. The law of reflection was one of the laws of optics that was recognized very early. During the rise of modern science, Galileo shocked the world by discovering a "new universe" through his telescope. The Dutch mathematician Snell first discovered the law of refraction of light. Descartes put forward the particles of light said ......

Newton and his contemporaries Hooker, Huygens and others, also like Galileo, Descartes and other predecessors, with great interest and enthusiasm for the study of optics. 1666, Newton was on vacation at home, he got a prism, which he used to carry out the famous dispersion test. dispersion experiment. A beam of sunlight through the prism, decomposed into several colors of the spectral band, Newton and then a baffle with a slit to block the other colors of light, only one color of light in the through the second prism, the results came out only the same color of light. In this way, he discovered that white light is made up of all different colors of light, which was the first major contribution.

Newton, in order to verify this discovery, managed to synthesize white light from several different monochromatic colors, and calculated the refractive indices of the different colors of light, which accurately illustrated the phenomenon of chromatic dispersion. Uncovered the mystery of the color of matter, it turns out that the color of matter is different colors of light on the object has a different reflectivity and refractive index caused. In 1672 A.D., Newton published his findings in the Philosophical Magazine of the Royal Society, his first public paper.

Many people study optics to improve refracting telescopes. Newton designed and built reflecting telescopes as a result of his discovery of the composition of white light and his belief that dispersion could not be eliminated from refracting telescope lenses (dispersion was later eliminated by using lenses made of glass with different refractive indices).

Newton was not only good at mathematical calculations, but also capable of making various kinds of experimental equipment and making fine experiments by himself. In order to manufacture the telescope, he designed his own grinding and polishing machine and experimented with various grinding materials. In 1668, he made the first prototype of the reflecting telescope, which was the second major contribution. In 1671 A.D., Newton presented the improved telescope to the Royal Society, which made Newton famous and elected him a member of the Royal Society. The invention of the reflecting telescope laid the foundation for the modern large-scale optical astronomical telescope.

At the same time, Newton also conducted a large number of observation experiments and mathematical calculations, such as the study of Huygens found that the glacier stone of the phenomenon of abnormal refraction, Hooker found that the color phenomenon of soap bubbles, "Newton's ring" optical phenomena, and so on.

Newton also put forward the light of the "particle theory", that the light is formed by particles, and take the fastest straight-line path of motion. His "particle theory" and later Huygens' "fluctuation theory" constitute the two basic theories of light. In addition, he produced a variety of optical instruments, such as the Newtonian color dial.

Great Achievements ~ Constructing the Building of Mechanics

Newton was the master of the theory of classical mechanics. He systematically summarized the work of Galileo, Kepler and Huygens, and obtained the famous law of universal gravitation and Newton's three laws of motion.

Before Newton, astronomy was the most illustrious discipline. But why must the planets orbit the sun according to certain laws? Astronomers could not satisfactorily explain this. The discovery of gravity showed that the motion of the stars in the sky and the motion of objects on the ground were governed by the same laws - the laws of mechanics.

Before Newton's discovery of the law of gravity, many scientists had already given serious thought to the problem. Kepler, for example, recognized that there must be a force at work to keep the planets moving in elliptical orbits, and he thought that this force was similar to magnetism, like a magnet attracting iron.In 1659, Huygens, from his study of the motion of the pendulum, discovered that a centripetal force was needed to keep objects moving in circular orbits. Hooke and others thought it was gravity and tried to push to the relationship between gravity and distance.

In 1664, Hooke found that the orbits of comets curved as they approached the sun as a result of the sun's gravitational pull; in 1673, Huygens deduced the law of centripetal force; and in 1679, from the law of centripetal force and Kepler's third law, Hooke and Halley deduced that the force of gravity that keeps planets in motion is inversely proportional to the square of distance.

Newton himself recalled that he had already considered the problem of gravity while living in his old home around 1666. One of the best-known accounts is that, on vacation, Newton used to sit for a while in the garden. Once, as had happened repeatedly in the past, an apple fell from a tree ......

The accidental landing of an apple was a turning point in the history of human thought, and it opened the mind of the man sitting in the garden and caused him to ponder: what is it that causes all objects to be attracted by the force of gravity that is almost always directed toward the center of the earth? the center of the earth? Newton pondered. Finally, he discovered the epochal significance of gravity for mankind.

Newton's brilliance lay in the fact that he solved a mathematical problem that Hooke and others had not been able to solve. 1679, Hooke wrote to Newton asking if he could prove that planets move in elliptical orbits based on the laws of centripetal force and gravitational force, which is inversely proportional to the square of distance. Newton did not answer this question, and by the time Harley visited him in 1685, he had already discovered the law of gravity: there is a gravitational force between two objects, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, and proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects.

Precise data such as the radius of the Earth and the distance between the sun and the earth were already available for use in calculations. Newton proved to Halley that the Earth's gravity was the centripetal force that moved the moon around the Earth, and also that the motion of the planets under the sun's gravity conformed to Kepler's three laws of motion.

At Halley's urging, at the end of 1686, Newton wrote his epoch-making book, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. The Royal Society had insufficient funds to produce the book, and it was only thanks to Harley's financial support that one of the greatest works in the history of science could be published in 1687.

Newton in this book, from the basic concepts of mechanics (mass, momentum, inertia, force) and the basic laws (the three laws of motion), the use of his invention of calculus as a sharp mathematical tool, not only mathematically demonstrated the law of gravity, but also the establishment of the classical mechanics of the complete and rigorous system, the mechanics of celestial bodies and the mechanics of objects on the ground to unify the physics of the first great synthesis in the history of physics. the first great synthesis in history.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Newton's field of study was very broad, he in addition to mathematics, optics, mechanics and other aspects of outstanding contributions, he also spent a lot of energy to conduct chemical experiments. He often remained in the laboratory for six weeks, working day and night. He did not spend a lot of time on chemistry, yet he hardly achieved anything remarkable. Why did the same great Newton achieve so different things in different fields?

One reason is that the various disciplines were at different stages of development. In mechanics and astronomy, with the efforts of Galileo, Kepler, Hooker, Huygens and others, Newton had the possibility to use the materials that had been prepared to build a grand and magnificent mechanics building. As he himself said, "If I have seen far, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants". In chemistry, on the other hand, Newton couldn't go as far as cutting down materials because the right path hadn't yet been blazed.

Newton summed up his life on his deathbed this way: "I do not know what kind of a man I am in the opinion of others; but in my own opinion I am like a child playing on the seashore, who gloats over the discovery from time to time of a pebble smoother than usual, or a piece of shell more beautiful than usual, but who, for the vast ocean of truths which lies before me, is not a man who can see farther than he can see, because he stands on the shoulders of giants. The vast ocean of truth that lay before me was all but undiscovered."

This is, of course, Newton's humility.

Weird Newton

Newton was not a good teacher, and his students couldn't take in his lectures on the newly discovered calculus. But he was far above average in his ability to solve difficult problems. While still a student, Newton discovered a way to calculate infinite quantities. He used this secret method to calculate hyperbolic areas to two hundred and fifty digits. He once bought a prism at a high price and used it as a tool for scientific research, using it to experiment with colored light into which white light breaks down.

At first he was reluctant to publish his observations; his discoveries were a personal pastime to relieve himself of the boredom of his silent study, and he traveled alone in the super-world he had created. It was only later, after the strenuous efforts of his friend Halley, that he reluctantly agreed to publish his manuscripts, leading to the epoch-making tome, "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy".

As a university professor, Newton was often so busy that he did not fix himself, and often walked into the university cafeteria with his tie unknotted, his stockings unbuttoned, and his breeches unbuttoned. Once, his mind wandered again while he was proposing to a girl, and all that was left in his mind was the Binomial Theorem for infinite quantities. He grabbed the girl's finger, mistook it for a pipe floss, and shoved it into the pipe, causing the girl to scream in pain and leave him. And Newton never married for the rest of his life.

Newton observed the small things in daily life with ease, and as a result made one important discovery in the history of science. He was sloppy and procrastinating and used to make a lot of jokes. Once, he read a book and boiled an egg at the same time, and when he opened the pot to eat the egg, he found that the pot was a pocket watch. Another time, he invited a friend to dinner, when the meal was ready, Newton suddenly thought of a problem, so he went into the inner room alone, his friend waited for him for a long time or did not see him come out, so his friend took it into his own hands to eat all the chicken in that portion, and the chicken bones were left on the plate, without saying goodbye. When Newton remembered and came out, he found the bones on his plate and, thinking he had eaten them, turned around and went back into the inner room to continue working on his problem.

Newton in his later years

But because of the limitations of his time, Newton was essentially a metaphysical mechanical materialist. He believed that motion was merely mechanistic, a change in spatial position; that the universe, like the sun, was without development; and that by the action of gravity, the stars would always be in a fixed and unchanging position. ......

With the rise of his scientific reputation came the rise of Newton's political status.In 1689, he was elected to represent the universities in Congress. As a member of Congress, Newton gradually began to alienate himself from the science that had brought him so much success. From time to time he expressed his distaste for the field he represented. At the same time, a great deal of his time was spent arguing about scientific priorities with famous scientists of his time such as Hooke and Leibniz.

In his later years, Newton lived a grand life in London, where he was made a peer by Queen Anne in 1705. At this time Newton was very wealthy and was widely regarded as the greatest scientist to have survived. He served as president of the Royal Society, and during his twenty-four years in office, he ruled the Society with an iron fist. No one could be elected without his consent.

In his later years, Newton began to devote himself to the study of theology, denying the guiding role of philosophy, devoutly believing in God, and burying himself in writing works on theological subjects. When he encountered the inexplicable movements of the heavenly bodies, he put forward the fallacy of "God's first impulse". He said, "God rules over all things, and we are His servants who fear Him and worship Him".

On March 20, 1727, the great Isaac Newton died. Like many other distinguished Englishmen, he was buried in Westminster Abbey. His tombstone is engraved:

Let men rejoice what a great

human glory ever existed in the world.
