Tests found mild fatty liver, the doctor recommended more exercise, exercise can reverse fatty liver?

Fatty liver is not something you're born with, and if you're tested for it, your first reaction is to wonder what the heck is this? Why do I have it? Is it good or bad? (Definitely not good.) How bad can it be? Fatty liver is the liver cells of the human body too much fat storage and fat degeneration caused by obesity, alcohol, diabetics, lack of nutrition, a part of the drug |, pregnancy and its sense of seven, etc., for fatty liver, long-term alcohol consumption occupies half of the mountain of the cause of fatty liver formation.

Fatty liver and lipid metabolism related, so generally can use aerobic exercise to lose weight, to persevere in long-term low-pressure intensity and medium-intensity aerobic exercise to lose weight, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, mountain climbing, square dance, etc. are aerobic exercise to lose weight. Strength training is a short-term sudden burst of exercise, due to a short period of time such must consume a lot of strength, there will be muscle pain, especially for the lack of exercise people, will make the heart function cause great pressure. As a result, most people with metabolic disorders have difficulty loading up on this type of exercise.

In general, the ability to achieve greater oxygen consumption per minute of exercise is an important indicator of the body's aerobic metabolism and exercise capacity. Specifically how to measure oxygen consumption? Can use a simple indicator value to measure, namely 170 - age. For example, a 60-year-old patient, exercise after the heart rate maintained at about 110 is appropriate, if lower than this standard value of more than 20 times, for example, 90 up and down, it shows that the intensity of the exercise is small, if more than this standard value, for example, 150 up and down, it shows that the amount of exercise is too large.

Fatty liver patients are proposed to at least 15-20 minutes or more, because to do this time the body will start to use fat energy after sugar depletion, but fitness time can not be too long. Walking running is best not more than 60min, too long will lead to joint sprains. Naturally, the fitness exercise should be from shallow to deep, such as from the daily 15 minutes or so gradually and gradually increase.