Rabbitski 16 emoticons illustration

The classic emoticon package of Rabbitski has been more than 16, it should be 24; the simple interpretation is as follows, you can also enrich the connotation according to your own understanding

There are now more than 16 emoticons, the latest should have been updated to 24, these 24 emoticons represent:

1. Crying: shedding tears to represent sadness

2. Getting it right: shaking the spaghetti hand of the Dancing: dancing with hands swinging from left to right, one of the classic moves, representing happy spirit

4. Shrugging: shaking from left to right, again a classic move

5. Bye: crying + holding up a fan, representing sadness

6. Ascending: flinging out a lot of stars, representing happy spirit

7. Obsessed: hugging a milk Love you: Bugs Bunny holds out a heart to show his love and warmth

9. Please: Bugs Bunny flings his hand one-handed, adorably expressing please

10. No: One Bugs Bunny shakes the other Bugs Bunny to show his incredulity

11. Happy Birthday: Ears turn into candles, popping up the flames

12. 12. hum: Rabbitski crosses his waist and twists, full of arrogance

13. freak out: Rabbitski scratches the wall, indicating grumpiness and frenzy

14. twist: Rabbitski twists his butt on the back, cute and funny

15. awkward dance: dancing with his hands holding up his knees

16. good night: cover up the quilt and go to sleep

17. hi: Rabbitski from the wall Poke out his head to the greeting, warm hearted and lovely

18. right away: rabbit Skee brushing his teeth and holding the bag, flustered look

19. praise: rabbit Skee pointing out the praise, thumbs up

20. more guidance: rabbit Skee bowed with hands together, please teach

21. send red packets: rabbit Skee pushing the money cart, more innovative never seen

22. Catch me: Rabbitski twists left and right to avoid

23. Victory: classic action

24. See no evil: Rabbitski's family photo expression