Seeking a tutorial on 3rd order blind twisting (make it easy)
This tutorial describes the main ideas and common memorization methods for the 3rd order Rubik's Cube Blind Screwing Play 2-Step - Stefan Pochmann Recovery. The recovery solution method generally used in blind screwing is to memorize the positions of the 20 blocks (12 prongs, 8 corners) in order, and solve them one by one in sequence. The two-step method is to solve the 12 prongs in a certain order, and then solve the 8 corner blocks in order. Four PLL formulas and a corner change formula are used in between. (Learned cfop friends, only need to remember another angle formula) blind screwing the theoretical basis of relatively simple, easier to understand, the most difficult to overcome is the problem of memory, this tutorial focuses on the introduction of two better memory methods for your reference, memory is the most critical point of blind screwing to find a suitable memory for their own blind screwing the most core is also the most difficult part. Preparation for homework: practice the basics (super-skilled mastery of a few of the most basic formulas, clear blind screwing to recover the cube ideas, understand the idea of blind screwing) Note: (This tutorial to the white for the bottom, blue for the front, in order to facilitate the exchange of information and learning, please unify the placement of the location). Formula ① (R U R' U') (R' F) (R2 U' R' U') (R U R' F') Formula ④ ( R2 U' R' U') ( R U R U ) ( R U' R ) ( R U' R ) (used when parity check) Formula ② U z (U' R D') (R2 U R' U' R2 U) z' (R U') U' Figure 1 Formula ⑤: ( R U R U2 ) ( R ' L'U R U' L ) ( U2 R2 ) Equation ③ (R U R'F') (R U R'U') (R'F R2 U'R'U') The use of equations 1, 2, and 3 is to minimize the impact of changes in the other six corners, in other words, it is to say that the fixed use of the two corners of the upper right side of the two corners of the exchange back and forth, to achieve the recovery of 12 prismatic blocks. After 12 times of using the formula, the 8 corners of the Rubik's Cube itself do not change, thus eliminating the need to memorize the changes in the corners during the restoration of the prisms, so that after the restoration of the prisms, the position and order of the corners are still exactly the same as they were in the original state of the Rubik's Cube when the Rubik's Cube was messed up. Because we memorize the whole process of restoration of the Rubik's Cube is to restore a target block can also accurately know the position of the other corners and prongs, the target block restoration, the other did not change that is the most desirable, just impossible to achieve, in order to reduce the amount of memorization, we use the formula that affects the least block to solve the restoration of the target block of thought, which is the essence of the blind screwing ideas. A simple sentence is: two prongs and two corners to do the bridge recovery of the entire cube The first step in the following tutorial to recover the prongs is to use the upper right two corners to do the bridge, so that the 12 prongs through the conversion of the formula 1-3 one by one in place; the second step to recover the corners is to do the bridge between the upper left prongs and the back of the prongs to do the bridge, so that the 8 corners of the conversion of the formula 5 one by one in place. In the study of blind twisting before the third-order Rubik's Cube, must be a few of the most basic formulas to memorize proficiency (here the proficiency required in the messy situation can also be very accurate to complete the formula), the whole process of blind twisting is the basic formula of the N times plus N times of the bridging and N times of the process of anti-bridging, blind twisting the third-order blind twisting in the first stage of the good understanding of blind twisting the idea of the intermediate stage of the focus on a rapid response to that step to be used to the bridging formula conversion, the final stage of the focus on that In the middle stage, it is important to react quickly to the step to use the bridge formula to convert, and in the final stage, it is important to find how to find your own coding rules and memorize the whole code quickly and accurately. Color setting Front blue F (code 1) Right red R (code 2) Back green B (code 3) Left orange L (code 4) Upper yellow U (code 5) Lower white D (code 6) The first step: 12 prongs to the position (through the use of the formula of the two corners for two prongs of the N times, so that the 12 prongs one by one return to the position) Third-order Rubik's Cube * * * There are 12 prongs, in the event of a disruption, we assume that 12 prongs are all in the wrong position. In this case, we will need to apply the formula 11 times or so to get the 12 prongs where they should be, one by one. (Note: If there is a process in the middle of the buffer prisms have been put in place, you need to do more than one formula to move to another position) First of all, simply browse through the table below, a look whether a little dizzy, oh, don't worry, very soon it will not be dizzy, and now look at your Rubik's Cube to find the prisms by the upper layer, look at what color (the upper layer of the color first, the right layer of the color in the back), corresponding to the color code set, and then corresponding to the following two-digit number. Combination of two digits, and then correspond to the table below to find your combination of numbers, such as your combination of numbers is 12 (that is, you blue and red, the color of the upper right prism is blue above, the right is red), well, we look at the bridge formula is d2l, well, let's follow the formula to rotate a little bit, after the completion of the formula, we then use the blind screwing formula 1, and then there is a step on the completion of this time, then we use the reverse bridge formula l'd2 to do a look at your cube, just on the right of the blue and red block whether to move to the cube he should be in the position, after such a conversion, we are the front right position (12) of the prism block to move to the upper right position, the upper right position (52) of the prism block to move to the front right (12) of the position, the entire completion of the step, in addition to the two prisms swap thought that other prisms have not Changes occurred, as for the corner blocks, only the upper right two corner blocks position has been exchanged. Speaking of this, whether to understand a little. Still do not quite understand, look at the animation effect. And so on, with the upper right prism as a starting point, one by one, the 12 prisms are moved to the correct position. 12 Prong Block Replacement Bridge Formulas Prong Block Position Bridge Formulas Inverse Bridge Formulas Prong Block Position Bridge Formulas Inverse Bridge Formulas Prong Block Position Bridge Formulas Inverse Bridge Formulas 51 2 15 l'+3 l 61 l2+3 l2 52 homed in 25 homed in 62 d'l2+3 l2 d 53 3 35 l+2 l' 63 l2+2 l2 54 1 45 ld'l+1 l' d l' 64 l2+1 l2 Prong block position Bridge formula Inverse bridge formula Prong block position Bridge formula Inverse bridge formula Prong block position Bridge formula Inverse bridge formula 12 d2l+1 l' d2 21 d'l'+1 l d 16 l'+2 l 23 dl+1 l' d' 32 d2l'+1 l d2 26 dl'+2 l d' 34 l+1 l ' 43 dl'+1 l d' 36 l+3 l' 41 d'l+1 l' d 14 l'+1 l 46 d'l+3 l' d Figure 1-1 Look at another example of three prismatic blocks that have completed the homing of three prismatic blocks by two conversions. By analogy, with 12 prism blocks, it takes about 11 conversions to home in on all of them. Figure 1-2 And finally, a complete example for an instructional demonstration. Hopefully, after watching this one video, you will be able to fully grasp the idea behind the first step of restoring the prisms. Parity Correction The parity judgment is just to check if the UFR-URB corner block is in the same state as the initial state. 1. If it is an even numbered step (which occurs when there are prongs in the correct position and an adjustment step is needed, etc.), then the corner blocks can be skipped and resolved directly. 2. If it is an odd number of steps, UFR-URB is reversed from the initial position. Use Eq. 1 to restore its position. At this point, the prisms UR-UB are involved. Use Eq. 4 to return the UR prism to its original position. The UB-UL prism is an accessory to the corner block formula, and is automatically returned to its original position when the corner block is finalized. Steps Consumed in Calculating Prong Blocks - 11 steps. Odd numbers. Execute formula ① + formula ④ To summarize i. Using the UR prism block as a buffer, formula ① ② ③ solves for 11 prism blocks (the remaining one naturally homing in as well) while affecting the UFR,UBR corner blocks (11 interchanges). Second, because of the implementation of an odd number of times, UFR,UBR corner block position reversal. With the formula ① and then swapped once, this time the upper level of the UL prism block and UR prism block position swap, that is to say, the prism block has been done and intentionally disrupted two. In order to keep the UFR and UBR in the same state as they were before the cube was restored, use Eqn. 4 to return the UR prisms to their original positions, and the UL and UB prisms will be used in the next step. Step 2: The 8 corner blocks are put into position (through the use of N times of the corner replacement formula, so that the 8 corner blocks are put into position one by one) Fig. 3 After a good understanding of the first step of the two-step method of blind twisting, most of the magic friends have basically guessed the second step of the 8 corner blocks are put into position of the basic idea, oh, that's right, the second step of the corner blocks are put into position of the restoration of the idea of the first step of the restoration of prismatic blocks is basically the same, but only a little bit different. different. First of all, please master the formula for the replacement of corner blocks, this step of the two corner blocks of the replacement, we can simply remember into the UBL corner block of the U color to be returned to the position of the R side of the RFD. Now look at the formula, we have a basic understanding of what this step to do it, haha, whether there is a sudden feeling of enlightenment. Words return to the right turn, began to learn the second step of the corner blocks of the return, we have completed the first step of the prongs of the return, your cube should be 12 prongs only the upper left and upper back two prongs have not been returned to the position of the other 10 prongs have been all in place, the 8 corner blocks, if the heart of the magic friends still remember the initial state of the previous disruption, then you can carefully compare your cube, to see if it is the 8 corner blocks! position and color order has not changed at all, if your change, it must be in the implementation of the process of the first step above, there is an error in the operation of the place. Well, officially began to explain the second step, or the same as the first step, yellow on the top, white on the bottom, blue in front of placing the Rubik's Cube, check your Rubik's Cube after the upper-left corner block is what color, such as your UBL corner block is the white, red and blue color order (white on the top, red in the back, blue on the left) that corresponds to the code is 621 (white, red and blue), account for the order of coding in this step we agreed on the order of the top, the back, Left order, do not get it wrong yo. Let's look at the following table, 8 corner block replacement of the bridge formula, access to the following table shows that the need to use the bridge formula is F'R', well, we first do a F'R', and then do a corner block replacement formula (the formula did not forget it, huh?), followed by the do A reverse bridge formula R F, good to this point, we then observe the cube, just the UBL corner block has been relegated to the RFD corner block position (if not, it must be your formula turn is not skillful, messed up, hey, many times to remind you of the formula to begin to remember to be skilled, and this time to know the rush, right). The answer is yes, UBl corner block has been relegated to the position he should be to RFD. and then an example to illustrate it. Figure 2-1 Look at this 3D animation demonstration, through two conversions, the completion of the three corner blocks block homing example. Understand it, the next method of analogy, the eight corner blocks one by one to the location. Corner Block Replacement Bridge Formula Corner Block Position Bridge Formula Inverse Bridge Formula Corner Block Position Bridge Formula Inverse Bridge Formula Corner Block Position Bridge Formula Inverse Bridge Formula Corner Block Position Bridge Formula Inverse Bridge Formula Corner Block Position Bridge Formula Inverse Bridge Formula 6-1-4 F' F 6-2-1 F' R' R F 6-3-2 R2 F F F'R2 6-4-3 D2 F' F D2' 1-4-6 D D D' 2-1-6 3-2-6 D' D 4-3- 6 D2 D2 4-6-1 F2 R' R F2 1-6-2 D R R' D' 2-6-3 R R' 3-6-4 D' R R' D Corner Block Position Bridging Equation Inverse Bridging Equation Corner Block Position Bridging Equation Inverse Bridging Equation Corner Block Position Bridging Equation Inverse Bridging Equation Corner Block Position Bridging Equation Inverse Bridging Equation Corner Block Position Bridging Equation Inverse Bridging Equation 5-1-2 F F' 5-2-3 R D' D R' 5-3-4 5-4-1 F R ' R F' 1-2-5 F2 D D' F2 2-3-5 R2 R2 R2 3-4-5 4-1-5 F2 F2 2-5-1 R' R 3-5-2 R' F F' R 4-5-3 1-5-4 F' D D' F Fig. 2-2 And finally, one more complete example for an instructional demonstration. I hope that, after watching this video, you have fully understood the idea of the Blind Screw 2-Step Recovery Method. Supplementary: the replacement of the corner block of this tutorial is mainly to do the demonstration of the formula 5, interested friends can explore the addition of a formula (UBL and URF two-corner replacement, at the same time UB and UL two-pronged replacement of the PLL smooth formula) to reduce the number of rotational steps of the bridge formula, especially when encountered in this book is the UBL and URF two-corner replacement, the direct use of the increased formula to complete the corner of the block of the return of the steps and memory will be shortened by a lot. memorization will be much shorter.