The central meaning of this sentence is that whenever autumn comes, a cold air from Siberia enters most parts of China, and meets with the gradually weakening warm and humid air flow in the south, thus forming rainfall.
A more detailed understanding is that the weather becomes warmer and warmer in spring and after rain. In autumn, the weather becomes colder and colder after the rain. The cold air going south again and again often causes rainfall again and again, lowering the local temperature again and again. Autumn rain is often formed continuously, and the rain never stops.
Extended information proverbs are concise phrases widely circulated among the people, which mostly reflect the practical experience of working people and are generally passed down from mouth to mouth. Most of them are easy-to-understand spoken short sentences or rhymes.
Ready-made words commonly used in people's lives. Proverbs are similar to idioms, but colloquial, easy to understand, generally express a complete meaning, and there are almost one or two short sentences in form.
Proverbs include a wide range of agricultural proverbs, such as "planting melons and beans before and after Qingming"; Some are rational proverbs, such as "As you sow, you reap"; Some common sense proverbs belong to all aspects of life, such as "walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to be ninety-nine". There are many kinds.
Proverbs, like idioms, are part of the whole language and can increase the uniqueness and vividness of the language. But proverbs and famous sayings are different. Proverbs are the practical experience of working people, and famous sayings are said by celebrities.
20 1 1 On May 23rd, 2008, proverbs (Shanghainese proverbs) were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.
20 14,165438+1October 1 1, proverbs (folk proverbs in northern Shaanxi) were included in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list with the approval of the State Council.
Proverbs are artistic sentences created by folk collectives, widely circulated, concise and qualitative, and are regular summaries of people's rich wisdom and universal experience.
Proper use of proverbs can make the language lively and interesting and enhance the expressive force of the article. For example, proverbs reflect all aspects of social life. From the content, there are generally the following categories: meteorology, agriculture, health, society and learning.
Rumors-Baidu Encyclopedia