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Passepartout Anapneo

Choking? Or driving in a traffic jam? The best magic spell to get rid of your problems at once, and all parents with young children need to learn this spell to keep them safe at home.

Hanging upside down Levicorpus

A popular prank spell from Professor Lupin's youth, it works like an invisible hand grabbing the person's ankle and hanging them upside down in mid-air. The cure is "Swoosh down! Recently, some mothers have been using this spell to discipline their children, but as a side effect, hanging upside down for too long can lead to cerebral hemorrhaging.

Silence Langlock

Shut up, Langlock

Is your wife too nagging? Blame your friends for talking too much? This spell will instantly silence the other person and leave you with a clean ear from now on, but beware of the powerful side effects this spell can have: knee-counting, termination of friendship, verbal altercations, and bodily harm, to name a few.

Overeating Spell Engorgement Charm

The spell Hagrid uses to make pumpkins grow faster.

Memory Charm Memory Charm

A spell that modifies their memories.

Animalize Animagi

The magic that wizards use to turn themselves into animals.

Appearance Apparate

Magic that causes an image of the body to appear in another place

Freeze-Freezing Charm

Once upon a time, when wizards were executed by fire, they would use the 'Freeze-Freezing Charm', where the flames would only slightly numb the wizards, and would not harm them.

Disappearance disapparation

One of the ways in which a wizard travels, being able to disappear and move from one place to another in an instant.

Jelly-Legs Jinx

An enchanted sorcerer is instantly turned into a limp-wristed shrimp

Disillusionment Charm

This spell achieves the same effect as the 'Cloak of Invisibility', but whereas sometimes the cloak can have a problem with not being able to hide properly, this one allows one to be completely The person who is cast with the spell will have an icy cold liquid flow down from the place where the wand was struck and run all over their body, causing their body to have the same colors and patterns as the background, but instead of being invisible, they just seem to be transformed into a humanoid chameleon.

Permanent Sticking Charm

This spell can stick things together with such power that it is invincible! No matter what you do, you will not be able to tear it off.

Hair-Thickening Charm

This spell makes hair thick and dense


A magical defense that protects the mind from outside intrusion.

The Burglary Detection Spell Stealth Sensoring Spell

Once you learn this spell, you can lay a dragnet on your home or office, and you'll be the first to be notified of any break-ins.

Imperturbable Charm This is a very useful spell, if you don't want to be bugged or intruded, you can easily avoid the hazards of pinhole cameras by using the Imperturbable Charm.

Unforgivable Curses Unforgivable curses are brutal curses, torture curses, and life-supporting curses, collectively known as "unforgivable curses". "Unforgivable Curses are illegal black magic spells, and using one of them is enough to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

The Imperio! Imperio is a brutality spell that causes a sorcerer to engage in strange and bizarre behavior that is controlled by the sorcerer's actions. However, there is a way to break the Brute Curse, and it is possible to do so by focusing your attention and persevering against the voices in your head.

"Crucio! Crucio Torture Spell, extremely horrible physical torture, being hit by the Torture Spell will cause intense convulsions, spasms, and excruciating pain.

"Sort it out," says Avada Kedavra. Avada Kedavra Sodomite spell, a spell that requires strong mana to cast. The wand shoots out a dazzling green light that kills immediately when struck, and there is absolutely no spell that can be broken. Only one person has ever come back from the dead under this spell - Harry Potter.

Quick Ex Accio A summoning spell that makes things fly out of everywhere.

'Hoo-hoo, Ex Spell Now!' Prior Incantato A spell that causes the wand to rewind to present a previously cast charm.

"Alohomora" Alohomora's spell to make the door pop open.

Locomotor Mortis A leg-locking spell. Makes two legs wrap around each other and snap shut.

'Lumos' Lumos A spell to make a wand glow, illuminating the darkness.

Petrificus Totalus A full body lock spell. The person under the spell will be stiff as a board.

Tarantallegra Dancing Spell. Makes the legs jump uncontrollably.

Wingardium Leviosa A spell to make things fly.

Aparecium Aparecium A spell to make invisible characters appear.

"Go Go, Weapon Go" Expelliarmus A spell to drive a weapon at an opponent.

Finite Incantatem: A spell that removes magic.

Sonorus A spell that turns your throat into a radio speaker.

Obliviate is a spell that makes you lose your memory.

Rictusempra A tickling spell. This spell causes the wand to emit a silvery light and attack the enemy, causing them to laugh so hard they can't move.

Serpensortia A spell that drives snakes to attack people.

『Phenomena』 Diffindo A spell that causes things to suddenly burst open.

『Salivating Teeth』 Densaugeo A spell that causes incisors to grow at an alarming rate when struck.

『Shooing Drop』 Dissendium A spell that Harry uses to move statues.

"Expecto Patronum" A spell that summons the Patronum to appear when fighting the Hypnotic Demon.

"Coo Coo Circle" A spell used by Ferula Lupin to fix Eon's broken leg.

"Chirp Shrink" Reducio A spell that causes the body of an animal or person to instantly shrink.

'Stop, Impervious' Impervious is a spell that makes glasses waterproof and fogproof.

"Mobiliarbus" A spell to move objects.

Float, Zombie Walk Mobilicorpus A spell to move people who cannot walk on their own.

『Muggle-Repelling Charm』 Muggle-Repelling Charm A repelling spell used when a Muggle strays into the wizarding world.

"Nox" A spell to extinguish the light of a wand.

"Shout, Ridiculous" A ridikulus spell to repel phantom creatures. Forces the phantom monster to take on a form that makes you laugh, and then after you laugh it bursts in response, shattering into thousands of wisps of smoke and disappearing completely.

'Waddiwasi' Waddiwasi makes the wand shoot things that look like bullets.

『Flying Birds』 Avis The tip of the wand on which the spell is cast sends out a large flock of squeaking birds

『Magic Magic Shooting』 Morsmordre The spell that summons the mark of the black devil.

『Impedimenta』 Impedimenta Spell. Impedimenta slows down whatever attack someone is using.

Reparo A spell to repair damaged items

Orchideous A flower bursts from the tip of your wand, as if by magic.

Quietus A spell that suddenly silences noise.

'Furnunculus' Furnunculus When struck by the spell, a large, unsightly boil immediately appears on the skin.

"Enervate" Enervate is used to save a wizard from being struck by the Furnunculus spell.

Deletrius A spell to make smoke dissipate.

Relashio A spell that causes sparks to shoot from a wand, causing the opponent to retreat.

"Reducto" Reducto spell. A spell that blows up solid objects in your way. However, it can only eliminate solids.

Duh! Stupefy This spell causes a red light to shoot out from the wand, and if you are hit it will cause you to stand still and become unconscious, but it may not be useful against large creatures like the Bakuda Spike Shrimp.

"Gummy Gummy! Colloportus A spell used in Harry Potter 5 - The Order of the Phoenix when Myolie tries to seal a door against her pursuers, this spell can be used on any jar or anything that can be sealed.

"Flagrate! Flagrate It can be used to mark or attack an object by igniting it in the desired shape.

Speed Trunk locomotor trunk In The Order of the Phoenix, Transformer Toshi helps Harry unpack his luggage and uses this spell to make the trunk fly, floating in mid-air a few inches off the ground, and drive it forward.

'Blood of the enemy forcibly taken will bring your enemy back to life! Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe. This is the third incantation used by Voldemort in his quest for resurrection.

『I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. This is the incantation used when using the 『Hijacker's Map』 invented by Moon Shadow, Beast's Foot, Antler, and Wormtail. This map reveals the activity of people on the Hogwarts campus, and is a very useful tool when trying to sneak off campus, or when trying to avoid people's attention.

Finding the Room of Requirement The Room of Requirement is one of the strangest places at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, appearing unannounced in the places where it is most needed. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not, but when it's there, it's always there to fulfill the need of the person who asked for it, making it an incredible room. Just walk past the wall opposite an oversized piece of hanging felt three times and concentrate on what is needed, without even remembering the spell.

Flying spell Accio to bring something to you

Aparecium to make invisible ink appear

Apparate to move somewhere else in an instant

Alobomora to open something

Bat-Bogey spell Hexes to fall to the ground

Bat-Bogey spell Hexes to fall to the ground

Bat-Bogey spell Hexes to fall to the ground

Bat-Bogey spell Hexes Fall to the ground

Tarantella Dance Colloportus Make an opponent tap-dance like crazy

Eye Rush Curse Conjunctivtus Curse Damage to vision

Disappearance Without a Trace Deletrius Make something disappear

Mentor Teeth Race Stick Densaugeo Make incisors grow wildly out of control

Mentor Teeth Race Stick

Mentor Teeth Race Stick Densaugeo Make incisors grow wildly out of control <

Diffindo to tear or separate something

Dissendium to open something

Enervate to enliven something

Evanesco to make something disappear at once

Expecto. Patronum to make a guardian spirit

Expelliarmus to remove your weapon Expelliarmus to disarm an opponent

Fidelius Charm to tell a secret to another trusted person

Spell to stop Finite Incantatem to end other spells

Obstacles. Impedimenta Stop someone or something

Flaming Incendio Use when traveling from fireplace to fireplace with Flyway Powder

Dementalizing Legilimens Get into someone's head

Luminescent Flicker Lumos Make wand glow

Obliviate Obliviate

Once forgotten, all is lost.

Petrify Petrificus Totalus immobilizes

Armor protects Protegos, which protects itself

Quickly imprison Protego, which immediately locks the door and mutes the sound

Permanent Sticking Permanent Sticking sticks something to a place forever

Flashback prior Inc Incantation.

Flashback Prior Incantate Recreate the previous spell cast by the wand

Grin Hula Hula Rictusempra Tickle someone

Funny Riddikulus Make something ridiculous

Crush to Bones Reducto Crush your opponent

Repair as before. Reparo Repair something

Silent Sliencio Make one's work silent

Stupefy Stupefy Make one's opponent faint instantly

Scourgify Scourgify a place

Wingardium Leviosa Make something fly

Wingardium Leviosa Make something fly

Reducto Make something ridiculous

Reducto Repair something


*Crucio, a heart-drilling spell that causes extreme pain

*Imperio, a soul-capturing spell that puts the victim under the sorcerer's complete control

*Avada Kedavra, a spell that puts someone to death

Serious Warning: Marked with an * is the Unforgivable Spell. ". Any sorcerer who casts these spells on another human will be sentenced to life in Azkaban.

Opening a door: arajo cave opening

2 Make objects fly: feiga - dim - levi - osa

3 Stiff as a board Stiff as a board: Petrify (full-body binding spell)

4 Disarm: Remove your weapon (mechanical spell)

5 Cackle spell: Grinning Hulahula

6 Dance in a fast pace: Tarantella

7 Cancel all magic: Spell Stop

8 Change into a black snake: Ursula

7 Make all spells canceled. >8 To make a black snake: Ouroboros

9 To make an invisible object visible: Haste to reveal

10 To illuminate an object: Fluorescent flicker

11 Amnesia: Forgetting everything

12 Life: Flaming fire

13 To make an object fly: Flying (Flying Spell)

14 To make a loud noise: A loud noise

15 To make a weak sound: A loud sound

14 Make a loud noise: a loud voice

15 Make a weak voice: a whisper

16 Make a black magic marker: a reappearance of a corpse

17 Make a person faint: a fainting spell

18 Make a person who is unconscious wake up: revive

19 Return to the previous spell: a flashback to the previous spell

20 Make a magically conjured object disappear: a fading spell

21 Restore a destroyed object to the way it was intended: a flashback to the previous spell

22 Make a magical object vanish. Restore something that has been destroyed: Repair As Good As New

22 Bring something under one's control: Spirit Out of Body (Soul Snatching Spell)

23 Make someone in agony: Drill the Heart to the Bone (Drill the Heart Spell)

24 Make someone die: Avada Sobriety (Avada Sobriety Spell)

25 Make a marijuana patch appear on a person's face: Fire Roasted Hot and Spicy

26 Make incisors bigger: Incisors Racing

26 Make incisors bigger: Incisors Racing

23 Make incisors bigger: Inches. incisors become bigger: incisors are bigger than sticks

27 Make flowers come out of one end of the wand: orchids bloom

28 Make birds come out of one end of the wand: birds of prey

29 Make something split: split into four pieces

30 Sparks come out of one end of the wand: loose for movement

31 Stop an attacker: obstacles are many

32 Blow up solid obstacles: pulverize the bones

32 Blast a solid obstacle. Obstacles: Crush (Crush spell)

33 Is a wand pointing due north: Show me the way (Direction spell)

34 Temporarily forms an invisible wall around the body: Iron Armor spell

35 Makes lower limbs go limp: Weak Legs spell

36 Scaring off a dementor to protect yourself: Hail Divine Protector (Guardian spell)

37 Bounce away. Something: Vadivasi

38 Dismiss Bogart and turn him into his mind's eye: Funny Funny

39 Make something change places in an instant: Phantom Manifestation

40 Heal with a bandage: Weilah

41 Make someone change places in an instant: Shift Shift Shadow

42 Stiffen the legs and prevent them from moving: Legs Stiffen and Stall

41 Make someone move in an instant: Legs Stiffen and Stall


43 Dementation

44 Pervert Umbridge's spell Speed Imprisonment on the Horseman in the Forbidden Forest

45 Ironclad spell, specifically Ironclad Protector

46 Glow-in-the-dark anti-magic spell Knox

Below that in English


Make legs stiff and immobile Locomotor Mortis

Illuminate objects Lumos

Total petrification Petrificus Totalus

Dance a quickstep Tarantallegra

Make objects fly Wingardium Leviosa

Make invisible Font Manifestation Aparecium

Engorgement Charm, a spell used by Hagrid to make pumpkins grow faster

Engorgement Charm to drive a weapon to attack an opponent with a magic spell Expelliarmus

Deconstructing the spell Finite Incantatem

Modifying Memory Charm

Oblivion Spell. p>



Shift Apparate

Expecto Patronum


Freezing Charm Flame-

Freezing Charm. Freezing Charm

Impervious for waterproofing glasses

Mobiliarbus for moving objects

Muggle-Repelling Charm for the Muggle Expulsion Spell

Fluorescent Flashing Countercurse Nox

Slick Slipstreamridikulu

Harry Potter Spells Website:


(Very informative!)