1. A slight smile is like a smile to the city," "The bridge at Naihe is like a smile to Naihe."
2. Orange-flavored cats," "Strawberry-flavored dogs," "Strawberry-flavored dogs," "3.
14. You don't need an oar to row a boat...
15. You are happy at first sight...
16. /p>
19, 么么他♀ ‖ 啪啪她♂
20, big retarded i ‖ 小逗逗i
21, south of the city of thoughts ‖ north of the North Sea waiting for
22, embracing the peace ‖ accompanied by warmth
23, the heart does not hurt not strong ‖ the person does not hurt not grow
24, the left hum ‖ the right hum
25, the art flash art flash bright crystal ‖ the right hum
The World's Best Artists: The World's Most Beautiful Artist
The world's most beautiful artwork, The old man with a backpack to fight ‖ 老娘 wearing a school uniform to the bar
31, a wave of gangster flavor ‖ a fairy flavor
32, half a world of love つ ‖ a lifetime of waiting for つ
33, the first time I saw ° ‖ the first heart °
34, hoarse love words ‖ anonymous love letters
35, the wife you are cute ‖ the hubby you're cool
36, this life ‖ to be continued in the next life
36, this life ‖ to be continued in the next life
36, this life ‖ to be continued in the next life
36, this life is not finished. The next life is to be continued
37. Fox is not a demon," "Sexy is not sexy."
38. You are the young man's joy," "The young man who likes you is you."
39. Old Lane Boy," "West Street Girl."
40. Princess Disease," "A Gangster's Air."
41. Double happiness on your wife." "Double happiness on her." 43. "I'm not a child.
44. "The south wind knows what I want." "Blow your dreams to the west."
45. "You," "he," "
46. "White head," "tears."
47. "With you," "you're in the middle of summer," "in exchange for the rest of my life."
48. "Wild like the wind." "Wavey like the sea."
49. "Monk's meat." - "Little goblin."
50. "Your look." - "My heart."
51. Cool and smiley,‖ gentle and proud
52. Wearing clothes to fight is called domestic violence,‖ taking off the clothes to fight is called flirtation
53. The sea will not be blue,‖ I will not be absent
54. Low to kiss,‖ tiptoeing to hug,‖
55. Short to love,‖ fewer words to love,
57. "A beast of a bird" - "A changed state" - "
58. "A comedian" - "A gangster" - "A small scum of a man" - "
59. "Beginning with the first sight" - "Stopping at the end of the old age" - "
60. "A stranger's face" - "A male's world is unrivalled" - "
61. "A knife's mouth" - "A tofu's heart" - "
62. "A cry" - "A smile" - "A happiness" - "A happiness" - "
63, wolf boy ‖ Butterfly girl
64, north cool deep sea ‖ South warm lonely island
65, the rest of your life with you wave ‖ the rest of your life with you crazy
66, people beautiful sex wild ‖ people handsome road positive
67, a wang ‖ a meow
68, began in the heart of the heart ‖ to stop at the dead bone
69, only to keep the hearts of people ‖ vowed to not be separated.
70: "When a gangster is in love," he or she has collected his or her heart
71: "I'm waiting for the old man to return," and "you'll see the south wind blowing."
72: "I've been proud of myself since I was a kid," and "I've been cool since I was a kid."
73: "Don't be stuck with the past," and "Don't rely on the past to stay with you."
74: "The wind is blowing in a drunken moonlight," and "The twilight color is cool in the city."
75: "Iris is away from the dream in the South," and "Iris is pouring over the city in the North.
76. "For her, I have lost the world." "For him, I have lost my youth."
77. "Blame you for being overly beautiful." "Blame me for being overly obsessed."
78. "If you are well," "that's still good."
79. "Yo, you're playing with your temper." "You need to take care of me."
80. "I wish to look back on my life." "I wish to see my head turn white again with my deepest love."
81. "If you are pretty, then you're not.
82, hairy little temper ゛ ゛ ゛ ゛ ? ゛
83, the north of the city boy ‖ the south of the country girl
84, hold your hand ‖ to die to feed the dog
85, the past is not finished ‖ continue to write the future
86, the three stone before the life of you do not see you ‖ the Mengma Bridge, I'm waiting for you
87, holding you to see the sunset | | Holding you to see the sunrise | Next, see you at the corner
93, private love sゝ | give sゝゝ
94, pen, write down the love | pen, write down the love
95, flow out of the conspiracy | present the lack of virtue
96, I'm only suitable for sadness | I'm only suitable for loneliness
97, Commonwealth Gumnut and Forest ㄝ ㄝ ㄝ ㄝ ìììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì | Hobbies
104, Say goodbye | Say goodbye
105, Lyrics are promise | Melody is attachment ゛
106, If you rely on each other, you leaned on my shoulder | Mo phase away, deep breaths for fear of oblivion
107, Sing, that love song | Sing, that love song
108, Soo-in That year's blossoms | ╭ Today's blossoms fail ッ
109, my love only let you alone. | Your love can only I have alone.
110、£Men'↘万岁 ヘッグ | £Men'↘万岁 ヘッグ
111、I'm crying'灬 | I am laughing'灬
112、-Red with green'灬You're so dainty'∴'red with purple'灬You are so sentimental'∴
113、Wistful'灬the past'∴ Banning'灬聶the wistfulness'
114、╭both eyeskin'↘Boys'|╭long lashes'↘Girls'
>115、Flower灬正開 | Flower灬正香
116、£雨季灬莫忧离彡 | £花季灬莫浅忆彡
117、£占占↘your heartヘ アウトレット ヘ アウトレット ヘ アウトレット
118、£落笔↘樽げ愛 ヘ アウトレット ヘ グップート ヘ ケット ヘ ケット ヘ ケット ヘ ケップート
119、£那↘girlsヘ アウトレット アウトレット ヘ アウトレット ヘ ケート ヘ ケート ヘ ケート ヘ ケート ヘ ヘ ケート ヘ ヘ ケート
120、Fed灬nan | 林无灬敌
121、Turn灬that back | Corner 灬that tears
122、Men shouldn't let women be too tired | Woman shouldn't let men be tired
123、- Small sun's dazzling ㎜ | - Little sunflower's . Beautiful ㎜ Some words
124, ╭ァり霸道是一种疼爱 ゛ ╭ァり微笑是一种颓废゛
125, that neurotic man つ | that psychotic woman つ
126, stable and heavy man is reliable | crazy woman is lovely
127, pull your hand, watch the sunset ⌒ | hold your hand, watch the sunrise ⌒
128, hold your hand, watch the sunrise ⌒
129, hold your hand, watch the sunrise ⌒
130, hold your hand, watch the sunrise ⌒
131, hold your hand, let the woman be tired ⌒ ⌒ ╰. Melody is love | buzz. The only thing that you need to know is that you are the only one who is going to be there. | ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜ ゜
144 | The End of Days | Everything Together
145 | The End of the Show | Willingness for You
146 | Dare to Do | Do Whatever You Want
147 | Either the Mayor of the Village | Or the Secretary
148 | Don't Leave Waiting for Me | Too Many Emotions
149 | Fermentation of the Love | Like Waking up from a Dream
150 | The Years have not Changed | The Years have not Changed | The Years have not Changed | The Years have not Changed | The Years have not Changed | The Years have Not Changed
151, sister can not | Fahai no whip
152, listening to a small song buzz ╮ | ╰ ╮ humming a small tune
153, heartbeat together | heartbeat together
154, love dashing | affectionate
155, youth stained fingers | lonely years
156, long legs uncle | short arm aunt
156, long legs uncle | short arm aunt
157. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
158, wantonly squandered | , stained finger years
159, the heart does not move pain | midsummer into frost
160, if you have not married | if I have not married
161, point to the end | smile nightmare as flowers
162, forget it | summer flowers still
163, my smile | spread the corners of the mouth
164, a story. | A Memory.
165, the good man did not return | the old man did not come back
166, interpretation, encounter | interpretation, monologue
167, to fulfill that ay | I'm waiting for
168, can not be sad | do not cry
169, silent condolences | cold and cold | know °.
170, the luxury of a share of peace | small eyes Asian American
171, He together | love is very simple
172, hold you, left hand ╮ | to save your right hand ╮
173, turn away | people's hearts are difficult to guess
174, if you do not leave | I will not give up
175, want you to curcumference | said away from the hurt
176, that love is not a good idea, but it is a good idea. > 176, # that love is not in. | | that love has passed.
177, remember that I _ love you | remember that you _ I love
178, ゛Baby sゝ永卟ゝつ | ゛Baby sゝ永卟弃つ
179, palm of the remaining warmth | fingertip of the injury
180, Ling all the wind and frost | Dye all the ice and snow
181, the dawn of the ♂ | midnight of the, ♀
182, - The gain of the open | ? The loss of the calm
185, the man high-profile, not to be messed with | women high-profile, very good to be messed with
186, and you have to meet with the king | do not teach life and death for the love of each other
187, if I marry you to your good will you want to?
188, #, did not forget her. | #, did not forget him.
189, Hey, that person, grow up I marry you. | #, did not forget him.
190, you, everywhere.
190, you, everywhere.
191, Cc you are my city. | Cc you are my domain.
192, Indispensable あ | Indispensable ぱ
193, Fatal ╭ Sweet | Fatal ╭ Warm
194, Nengyo you a lifetime of warmth ° | Nengyo you a lifetime of peace °
195, Why should we meet each other | Why should we meet each other | Why should we meet each other | 196, ▼ A century in a hundred years ▼ A lifetime in a cycle
197, Rose - Era | Rose - Flower Season
198, Once, Past Once | Later, Fading Later
199, Single Eyelid Boy | Long Eyelash Girl
200, My Feather Is Not As White As Yours | My Feather Is Not As Red As Yours
201, Dusk Cold Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Weep
202, A Life Only In The World | A Life Only In The World | A Life Only In The World | A Life Only In The World | A Life Only In The World | A Life Only In The World
202, a lifetime only for you to pour all the | a heart only for you to haunt
203, shallow singing ° fog is not fog of love | low singing ° flower is not the flower of the style
204, in my eyes | you are the most special
205, thank you for giving me the glory | I want to bow y to you
206, look up to the darkness of the light | waiting for the dawn before a piece of light | Waiting for a piece of sun before dawn
207, too late I understand | love you too much
208, the most beautiful traces called memories ヘール | the most beautiful memories into traces ヘール ヘール
209, men. ヘルフロード ヘルフロード ヘルフロード ヘルフロード ヘルフロード
210, do not see each other will not love each other | do not know each other will not love each other
211, silence faded color. ζ | waiting for the promise of old age. ζ
212, ○. |p>
213, crying, is to cover up how deep the love | smile, is to cover up how deep the pain
214, ヽ a man night flirting ヽ a woman corner flirting
215, m ﹑ a flower in the village, ? m ﹑ the village of the flower messenger
216, Xiaoxin did not have the "crayon" ? small Maruko did not have the "cherry"
217,‖ Please don't let go of my hand | ‖ Please don't be absent from my future
218,﹏ black Sè feather っ | ﹏ white Sè feather っ
219,Luce 〃典当半世宿 | Luce 〃赎回一世情
220,稚嫩的少年° | 幼稚的女孩。
221, if you leave me, I'm willing to give up | if you give up I'm willing to leave
222, べ时间冲淡所囿的感情. | I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.
223. You have to be committed. I'm not sure if you're a fan of the idea, but I'm sure you're a fan of the idea, and I'm sure you're not a fan of the idea.
224. Kissing the eyes of the child, accompanied by a thousand generations of reincarnation. | The most important thing to remember is that you can't be a good friend to your children.
225, I'm not perfect, but there is no timidity buzz | I'm not naive enough, but know how to love buzz
226, the wind, blowing who's eyes | the rain, drenched in who's body
227, I was her he ~ | I was his she ~
228, a self-righteous and proud of the man. | I am his she~
228, a self-appointed man.
229 ◇Loss of the sunshine of love and affection | ◆But in exchange for your pity,
230 | low-profile, the appearance of the __ | gorgeous, the curtain __
231 | happiness ι spread, | love ι together
232 昰(笨蛋). | I (昰)... | I will be your (smart).
233、Man彡心鈪意 | Woman without heart and lungs
234、Black ヽMandala | Cold ヽPurple Rose
235、With a turn to leave ╰ | With a life to forget ╰
236、You, er - a lifetime of prince |You,er - a lifetime of princess
237、Smoke ゛ ゛ smoked 4 brother ゛ loneliness | Wine ゛ drunk 4 sister ゛ hurt ゛゛醉得4姐の伤悲
238、Our, love | blindfolded, painted tragedy
239, laugh. Your perfunctory so obvious | cry, your lies so realistic
240, § wind in the falling leaves ヽ | § water in the floating Ping ヽ
241, and then beautiful can not withstand forgetting.
242, a small man's small happiness ℡ | small woman's small emotions ℡
243, honey pomelo tea Ω | honey sorbet tea Ω
244, a small man's small happiness ℡ | small woman people's small emotions ℡
245, baby, love you for life | baby, think of you for life
246, ∞ I will be with you | ∝ I love you not by your side.
255, a kind of love continues" | a kind of unfinished"
256, lonely when a person's carnival | carnival is a group of people's loneliness
257, the left hand of the tugging away | the right hand of the can not be shaken off
258, the paradise, that section of the injury | hell, that section of the love
259, love you all, | want you all. p>
265、Wife I miss you | Hubby I'm patient with you