Shaking shoulders in Mongolian dance includes shrugging shoulders, hard shoulders, rounding shoulders and broken shaking shoulders. The specific methods are as follows:
1. Shrugging, also called laughing shoulder, refers to the movement form in which both shoulders are relaxed and the shoulder blades move up and down, while the arms and wrists are also moving up and down with the shoulders on the basis of crossing the waist or opening up.
2, hard shoulder refers to the back and chest muscle contraction to drive the shoulder blades forward and backward contraction, arms and wrists should also cooperate with the two shoulders in the alternating push and acceptance of the front and back swing, in the pendulum to grasp the strength and speed.
3, hard shoulder movement is very frequent in Mongolian dance, is the foundation element of the whole shoulder movement, hard shoulder movement with the leg movement and the rhythm of the dance, can show the Mongolian dance brittle but not stiff power of beauty.
4. Shoulder movement refers to take the chest as the axis, and the shoulders do the round movement in front, back, up and down, which can be done by one shoulder or both shoulders alternately, when doing this movement, the head and neck should be relaxed, and the waist should be tilted backward and forward to cooperate with the shoulder movement, and at the same time, the arms and wrists do the round movement with it, and the shoulder movement embodies the implicit beauty of the Mongolian Dance.
5, broken shoulder shake refers to the shoulders are relaxed, shoulder blades in the chest and back muscle contraction of the force driven by the rapid in-situ upside down movement form, do this action can be naturally hanging arm or cross the waist, the waist is straight, the body with the shoulder shaking and horizontal swing, broken shoulder shake action reflects the beauty of the Mongolian dance of the rhythm and staccato.
I. Basic movements:
1. Rhythmic movements:
Shoulder movements are rich, flexible and elastic; wrist movements are mainly in the palm and wrist straight posture, with brittle and tough to lift up and down the wrist to drive the whole arm dance. The head should be steady, the upper body is dignified, and the body is mostly in the motion of swinging, pushing and leaning. When doing all kinds of steps, the flexion and extension of the knees should be calm and flexible, and the landing of the feet should be solid and steady, emphasizing the power of sinking.
2. Basic posture:
Stick out the chest and stand on the waist, lean back slightly, and lean back slightly. Tilt your head back and pillow your neck slightly behind.
3, hand shape:
Four fingers straight, together, thumb slightly cocked natural side, five fingers in a plane, forming a "plate hand". The waist for a word cross waist.
Second, the Mongolian folk dance style characteristics:
Enthusiastic, robust, rhythmic and joyful, with rough, swarthy, rustic, solemn characteristics.