Diabetic patients suddenly experience hunger, dizziness and panic.

Diabetic patients with hunger, panic, dizziness and other symptoms, these are symptoms of hypoglycemia, which can lead to fainting in severe cases, and even life-threatening. So do not take this matter seriously, life should actively exclude factors that lead to hypoglycemia, do a good job of prevention.

I. Why do diabetics have hypoglycemic symptoms?

Normal people insulin are after eating to start secretion, but diabetic patients have delayed peak insulin secretion, may be 3-5 hours after the meal plasma insulin levels inappropriately high, which will cause reactive hypoglycemia, hunger, panic, dizziness, and other symptoms, if you do not take the appropriate measures, the severity of which will lead to fainting, and even life-threatening.

II. How to deal with hypoglycemia?

First of all, let the patient stop all activities, preferably bedridden, keep quiet.

Here depends on the patient's specific situation to deal with, if the condition is mild and conscious, you can directly oral icing sugar or a small amount of drinking brown sugar, white sugar water, replenishment of blood sugar, generally about ten minutes in this case, the symptoms can disappear (pay attention to can not overeat).

If the condition is more serious, not very conscious, you can use a spoon to deliver sugar water, and should be immediately sent to the hospital rescue. After the patient woke up, he should eat some staple food in moderation, such as rice, noodles and so on, to prevent recomatose. (Here the hospital is the focus)

three, talk about how to prevent the emergence of hypoglycemic symptoms a diabetic patients it is best to keep less food and more meals. Especially prone to hypoglycemia patients or patients with unstable condition, in the middle of the two meals with a meal is necessary, that is, eat 5-6 meals a day, each meal as much as possible to eat to 7 minutes full, this is to prevent hypoglycemia, control of hyperglycemia, the most effective measures. Second, moderate exercise. Moderate exercise can make diabetic patients lower blood glucose, improve insulin sensitivity, so that insulin can be secreted as soon as possible after eating and drinking, avoiding the emergence of hypoglycemic symptoms 3-5 hours after meals. However, it is advocated that a moderate and light amount of activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, tai chi, square dancing, etc., is not recommended for a large amount of activity. Third, we should quit smoking and drinking. Tobacco contains a certain amount of nicotine and other toxic ingredients, will have an impact on the body's insulin secretion function, so that it is not able to control blood glucose; a long time to drink alcohol, may lead to metabolic disorders within the body, resulting in aggravation of the condition of diabetes, smoking and drinking may induce hypoglycemia.

Additionally, it is recommended that diabetics carry some candy and other emergency food with them in case of severe hypoglycemia.

Summary: diabetic patients with hunger, panic, dizziness and other symptoms, these are symptoms of hypoglycemia, if it occurs, we must immediately take certain measures to deal with hypoglycemia, can not be ignored, hard to fight. Eating smaller meals, moderate exercise, quit smoking and drinking can effectively prevent diabetics from experiencing hypoglycemia symptoms, in addition, diabetic patients should always be ready to ice sugar, candy, a class of emergency food, in order to prevent the emergence of serious hypoglycemia symptoms.

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