? People have mourning, mourning without joy. But there is a so-called funeral, which has both the blessing of the deceased and the longevity of the deceased. This is gratifying. ? -from "clear money". Not all white things are happy. In other words, some people, through hard work, have formed a very large family, and the deceased are respected as parents. Or some people live for a long time, at least over 70 years old, which is considered a long-lived old man. The older you get, the better after death. Weddings and funerals Conditions. Or some people, who usually do more good deeds, eventually die of natural old age and die without a disease, which is also a happy event.
Life and death are dialectical relations, and death is the result of extreme fear. White matter alleviates people's fears by family members giving funerals to their loved ones. Not only with good wishes, I hope that the future can continue in another world, but also hope that the living and the dead can live in harmony and have a chance again. Healthy? , in line with Confucianism? Three Immortals Theory and Taoism? Live and die together? Theory. It also gives the living a space to release and preserve their desire for survival.
White activities also have a lot of concerns and arguments, and sometimes they are held more grandly than red activities. Together, these two events are called weddings, funerals and weddings. However, there will be people to help in Dont Ask For Help, which is a custom and a respect for the dead. If the red and white cars meet in the same direction, an old man will usually let the red car go first, and the white car will stop for a long time, so he will go after the meeting. If the direction is opposite, then the white car will go first.