Fast way to learn square dance is as follows:
Before we learn to dance, we first need to familiarize ourselves with the music of the square dance, so that when we start to learn to dance, we can more easily keep up with the beat, and we can accurately learn to square dance well. First, you should watch other people dance well, and see how to understand how to cooperate with hands and feet, so that you can have a clear idea of what to do.
Often square dances are danced by older people, so the choreography is simpler and the movements are easier to do, so we can watch a couple of times and then follow along with the simple movements. Save the slightly more complicated moves for later learning. While practicing the simple moves, go watch the harder ones, watch and practice more, and go from slow to fast.
If you want to learn faster, it's best to record how the teacher who leads the dance dances when other people are dancing, and then follow the video and practice slowly in your free time at home. Ask other dancers for advice, in our own learning and practicing, often encounter some problems, to ask more, on the one hand, you can learn what you don't understand, on the other hand, you can also and other people into one.
Benefits of square dancing.
1, jumping square dance is now mostly for the elderly in the jump, square dance for the elderly is more like the school radio gymnastics for students, the elderly can play the role of the whole body muscles exercise, activities in all parts of the body, to prevent a variety of diseases due to old age, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.
Different from radio gymnastics, square dance can have a variety of choices in music, you can choose the elderly favorite pop music, so that the movement is not dull, more cheerful, to improve the rhythm of the movement line. Square dance is often based on dance movements, rhythmic dance movements can exercise the elderly body coordination and brain reaction ability, can prevent dementia disease.
2, regulating the body's physiological function. Dancing will adjust the breathing, and breathing will affect the regulation of other physiological functions of the body, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood circulation, body temperature, etc., so that our body is healthier. Young and beautiful. Being young is a synonym that every woman is unwilling to give up in her life. To become a charming woman, dancing is indispensable.