What are the ten basic steps of cowboy dance?

The basic steps of the cowboy dance include: full turn (360 degree turn), 1/2 turn (180 degree turn), 1/4 turn (90 degree turn), fade back swing step, fade back throw off step, chain link swing and chain link step, left to right change of position step, right to left change of position step, behind the back change of hands step, and the American spin step.

Walking step, horse whip step, sprint whip step, stop and go step, windmill step, Spanish arm step, roll off arm step, simple spinning step, chicken step, wave whip step, and tap into broken step.

Cowboy dance style characteristics

Cowboy originated in the United States black dance, is a kind of fast-paced, energy-consuming dance. It was spread by American sailors in World War II. The melody is cheerful, strong jumping, the rhythm is 4/4 beat, 42 to 44 bars per minute, six beat jumping eight steps. It is a combination of the basic dance steps of stepping and merging, combined with jumping and spinning.

The dance requires the feet to be on the ground and the waist and hips to swing in a pendulum style. It is characterized by agile, jumping steps and relaxed, enthusiastic and joyful dance posture. Originated in the United States, the original American western cowboys jumped tap dance, the popularity of jazz in the 50s, accelerated and perfected this dance, but the style also maintains the American western cowboys robust, romantic, bold temperament.