() Mourn-pretend

Zhuge Liang mourns his filial piety-pretending

It is said that after Zhuge Liang was angry with Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu sighed, "Since you gave birth to Yu, why did you give birth to Zhuge Liang?" ) dead. Sun Quan was very sad to learn of Zhou Yu's death. According to Zhou Yu's suicide note, he appointed Lu Su as the commander in chief. When Zhuge Liang learned of this, he and Zhao Yun led 500 troops to Baqiu by boat to pay their respects. On the way, Zhuge Liang knew that Zhou Yu's coffin had arrived in Chaisang, so he led his troops there. When Zhuge Liang and his party came to Chaisang, Zhou Yu wanted to kill Zhuge Liang, but Zhao Yun was around and dared not do it. After reading the eulogy, Zhuge Liang fell to his knees and wept bitterly, and even Lu Su was deeply moved. In fact, Zhuge Liang was not sad because of Zhou Yu's death. He is crying to Zhou Yu's subordinates. The real purpose is to eliminate the hostility of Dongwu and maintain the alliance between Sun and Liu.