My wife is now more than 160 pounds, too fat, height 1 meter 6. how to exercise to lose weight, diet pills even.
Your mood I can understand, I also have a lot of friends around me is such a situation. First of all, you have to understand each other to support each other, since you have said that your wife what sports have tried, but just can not insist on how long, which shows that she really want to lose weight, may be because of just after giving birth to a child, the body is also relatively weak, people are like this, a long time after the movement, in the movement will inevitably be not adapted to the advice you are now not to argue with her, or the more noise the worse the feelings, she may also be thus Estimated temper tantrums, no longer have the idea of losing weight, you should now do is to communicate with her, patiently ask her why she insisted on not going down, together with the search for ways, such as what kind of sports she likes, you can accompany her, so she will feel that you love her, very happy, and then another go out with her to go shopping, on the road to see the body of a good girl can occasionally imply that she is, but do not much more or directly said, or this will be quite a big problem. out, or this will have a pretty big blow. To summarize, patient communication, looking for ways to fully support her. Thank you, I hope to be able to adopt.