1. In the middle of Yuan Dynasty, mountains and fog were everywhere, and tears turned into homesick rain. Pray for the safety of the deceased and the happiness and health of the world. The dead are gone, so are the living; May the deceased relatives rest in peace! May the living relatives be healthy! In short, heaven and earth are good!
2, a bitter wind and rain in Ren Pingsheng, a lifetime of hard work on his shoulders. The kindness of parenting is not reported today, and the love between mother and child will continue in the next life. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. May you be safe in heaven!
3. Mid-Autumn Festival is a time when scars hurt again, and tears overflow again. The dead have already melted into the soil, and their footprints can no longer be found. Close your eyes, it's their appearance, open your eyes and look at their photos, as if you left yesterday, as if you haven't gone far.
4. Since then, Yin and Yang are separated, so it is difficult to meet each other. How can this not make people feel extremely sad and hard to let go? The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. May you be safe in heaven!
Man's greatest hope is that life can last forever, but life and death are helpless and insurmountable. I believe that people have a past lives and a life cycle. In this life, my mother has no luxury, and in the afterlife, she will be rich and prosperous. I believe there really is an afterlife.
In the past three years, the last topic I want to touch is my mother. Whenever I talk about my mother, I try to avoid it. Sometimes when I am out socializing, people often mention my mother, which often touches my deepest pain. I don't want to face and hear such words. At this time, I have lost interest, but I still have to smile.
7, deep autumn chrysanthemum James J.S.Wong frost cold, Chongyang every night. A loving father called his son senile and talked around his knees all night. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. May you be safe in heaven!
8, the sun and the moon will last forever, and the clouds will be forgotten; If you ask who is the most bitter in the world, the most bitter is the elderly parents!
9. In the surging grief, I often think of my loving mother's last time by my side. I am really happy and gratified! It seems that God has blessed me. My stubborn and arrogant mother is leaving my old house and moving in with me!
10, Mid-Autumn Festival, I will miss you forever. It's been four years, and your voice and smile are still there. God took you away, but left me with eternal thoughts.