Personal Information of Miriam Yeung

Name: Yeung Chin Wah (Miriam Yeung)

Gender: Female

Birthday: 1974-02-03

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Blood type: A

Location: Hong Kong

Detailed information about Yeung Chin Wah

English name: Miriam Yeung ChinWah

Flower name: Big Head Girl, Yang Si (Best Exam 4), Laughing Auntie (Laughing Auntie), Laughing Auntie (Laughing Auntie), Laughing Auntie (Laughing Auntie).

Flower name: big head sister, Yang four (the best test 4), big smile aunt (laughter), thousand FA

Birthplace: Hong Kong (Tsan Yuk Hospital)

Height: 163 centimeters

Vision: about two hundred a few degrees of nearsightedness

Education: Form 6, Nursing School (three years)

Capable of speaking the language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Teochew

Chinese Zodiac: Tiger

Personality: Cheerful, Active, Straightforward, Friendly

Specialties: Singing, Piano, Ballet, English Calligraphy

Motto: Bold, Careful, Thick Skinned, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold, Bold. I'll praise you if you're wrong, and I'll beat you up if you're wrong

Family: Parents, one brother, one sister

Where I live: Old address: To Kwa Wan, Kowloon

New address: Mid-levels, Hong Kong Island

Countryside: Chiu Chau

Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Walking, Playing Puzzle

Bad Habits: Grinding sand (for dry lips), Wake up and drink lemon tea

Bad Habits: Dancing, singing, walking, playing puzzle

Bad Habits: Grinding sand (for dry lips), Getting up and drinking lemon tea

What's wrong with you: I don't know what you want. Lemon Tea

Before going to bed: Coffee

Favorite Singer: Jacky Cheung, Faye Wong

Favorite Actor: Chow Yun-Fat, Richard Gere

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Favorite Fruit: Strawberry

Favorite Season: Winter

Favorite Sport: Badminton, Volleyball, Running

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Country: USA, London

Most Memorable Thing: Participating in the New Talent Singing Contest

"Mission Beautiful"

"Happy Birthday"

"Dry Matches"

The most memorable thing: Participating in the New Talent Singing Contest

"Beautiful Mission"

"Happy Birthday"

"Dry Matches"