lrc lyrics to "Words Are Too Common" by Jacey Tan. If you have any, post them. Don't hold them in your hands, or they'll grow hair. Come on, I'm hurting my balls. I've got a pain in my ass ...00...

Hey, it's my fault. ~~~~

My Mandarin is too common

Blame it on not studying hard enough when I was a kid

I like you but I can't communicate

Love words get stuck in my throat

My Mandarin is too common

Blame it on not studying hard enough when I was a kid

I don't know what I'm saying in my Mandarin

[In Cantonese] [Can you hear me, can't you talk

I don't know how to say it.

Girl, why don't you look over here

The girls on the other side of the room are already looking over

Look over here and watch my heart blossom for you

I want to take you to eat Cantonese food

To take you to watch the Fastest Man competition

(Cantonese) How do you say these words

You like it and I don't

Why? I'm just a dork when I see you

You like it, I don't like it

Why don't you come over here

.................. ............

............ (fast)

I'm not ordinary in Mandarin<

From now on it's time to work hard

If I like someone but I can't communicate

Love words get stuck in my throat

I'm not ordinary in Mandarin

Now it's used all over the world

Wherever there's sun, there's China's dream

Because the dream's in the heart We're different

I love Japanese French is even better Mandarin

I can talk on the phone, I can dream, and I love Chinese

No matter if you're from Europe, America, or Africa

Remember the Chinese culture

Welcome China

china china china china china china

China, China

I love it, I love it

I love it, I love it


I love it, I love it

I love it. Yeah~

(Here are the text lyrics, if you really can't find the LRC, just use the text lyrics to make your own LRC lyrics, cool me can make it!)