Lyrics to "Who will love me"?

Song: Who Will Love Me

Singer: Joey Yung Album: Who Will Love Me

LRC Lyrics HOT

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Print Preview If love is so fierce that it's scary

Not even to complain about injuries

Fear that you're saying goodbye sooner

Unless love can't have a kind of

Why can't I guess

how high I have to climb

so that I don't have to fall

When all my heart insists on being good to you

you'll have your hands all over me

Who else is going to be good to me

Who's going to love me so I don't have to love the wrong person

so that we don't have to help each other

whom can I love with all my heart

Who can I love so much

Who can I love so much?

Who can afford so much

You remember best

(Why do you take me for a ride)

Who will love me, please be good to me

It's like holding a starburst of fire and taking me seriously

Flowers bloom and want to bear fruits

That's why you're treating me so well

(That's why you're flashing away)

If love is a lonely land

If love is a most

If love is the loneliest country

Dancing on a deserted island only I know

How I fell for you

When all my heart insisted on being good to you

You'll have your hands all over me

Who else is going to treat me well

Who's going to love me and be careful of the wrong kind of love

Lest we are left without any help

Who else is going to be so passionately in love with me

Who can stand it all? So many

You remember best

(Why do you take me and wear me down)

Who will love me, please treat me well

It's as if I'm holding a starburst and taking it seriously

Flower blossomed, always wanting to bear fruits

That's what makes you treat me so well

(That's what makes you flash by)

Tracks:Who will love me


Singer: Luo Shi Feng

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You used to tell me that you love me forever

Who knows that your words are all lies

You are cruel to abandon me and don't care if I live or die

Who loves me Who loves me Who loves me who loves me

I don't know who loves me who loves me

I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know who you are.

I don't know who will love me

It makes me sad to think that I was nice to you

My heart has never been put down for you

I'm afraid that you are cold and hot and thirsty and hungry

Who loves me and who loves me and who loves me

I don't know who will love me

You've never given me the slightest bit of happiness

I'm destined to be tormented by you.

Love is a shackle, love is a lock, and I'm willing to suffer

Who loves me, who loves me

Who will love me, I don't know who will love me

It's sad to think that I'm not bad for you

My heart hasn't been put down for you

I'm afraid of being cold, afraid of being hot, afraid of being thirsty, and afraid of being hungry

Who loves me, who loves me, who loves me

Who loves me, who loves me, who loves me

I don't know who will love me

Who loves me, who loves me, who loves me?

I don't know who will love me

You once told me that you would love me forever

Who knew that your words were all lies

You abandoned me and didn't care if I lived or died

Who loves me Who loves me Who loves me Who loves me

I don't know who will love me

You've never given me the slightest bit of happiness

I'm destined to be tormented by you. Torture

Love is a yoke and love is a lock and I'm willing to be tortured

Who Loves Me Who Loves Me Who Loves Me Who Loves Me

I don't know who's going to love me


SONG: Who Loves Me

SINGER: Teresa Teng ALBUM: Bye Bye My Lovely One


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Print Preview You once said to me

Love me forever

Who knew your words

were all a lie

You heartlessly deserted me

And you didn't care if I died or lived

Who loves me Who loves me

Who's going to love me

I don't know who's going to love me

It's sad to think about it

I've been good to you

My heart for you

hasn't let go

Fear of you being cold, fear of you being hot

Fear of you being thirsty, fear of you being hungry

Who loves me who loves me

Who's going to love me

Not knowing who's going to love me

Don't know who's going to love me

The Teresa Teng:Who's going to love me

You have never given me

a bit of happiness

I am destined

to be tormented by you

Love is a shackle and love is a lock

I prefer to be tormented

Who loves me Who loves me

Who loves me

Don't know who loves me

Songs: Who will love me

Singer: Cai Xingjuan Album: Mandarin Original

LRC Lyrics HOT

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Cai Xingjuan

Yang Yikai Lyrics



Mandarin Original


You used to say you love me forever

Who knows who loves me

Who knows who loves me

Who knows who loves me

Who knows who loves me

Who knows who loves me

Who knows who loves me?

Who knew that your words were all lies

You abandoned me and didn't care if I lived or died

Who loves me, who loves me, who loves me, who will love me

I don't know who will love me


Remembering that I used to be good to you

Who knew that you were so cruel but you wanted to leave me behind

Fear of being cold and hot

Fear of being cold and hot

Fear of thirst and hunger

Who loves me Who loves me Who loves me Who loves me

I don't know who loves me


Song: Who loves me

Singer: Dewey Durden Album: Innocence

LRC Lyrics HOT

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Print Preview A night alone

Time passes especially slow

Missing the love I can't have

It's become a habit

Dazzled by the wood-like splendor

Passing clouds are as short-lived as clouds

Holding hands and coming

Embracing and going

Always has nothing to do with me

The night so beautiful

Loneliness is a pity

I'd rather be entangled in love and hate

than be contented with mediocrity

Love songs make me vainly romantic

In the end, it's still the end of the song

Who's going to love me

Who's going to love me

Come and be my other half

Perhaps every lonely man

is afraid of every weekend twilight

They also fear that every weekend twilight will be the end of the day

And every weekend twilight is the end of the night. dreads every weekend twilight

longs for someone

to hurt me and let me hurt too

even how lonely a man is

always needs someone to **** through his life

who's the one

who's going to love me

don't let me keep asking

who's going to take my love


Who can share my future

If I don't know how to love

Wandering in the sea of people

Who is worth waiting for day and night like this

Song: Who will love me

Singer: Liu Zhanyhong Album: City of Angels Canaan

LRC Lyrics HOT

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Liu Chien-hong - Who Will Love Me

Maybe love is at this moment

I'm hiding in the attic of my soul at the other end of the house

Darkness covers the day

How to hide from the wrong no reason

Rise cold The falling leaves cry out for help

I look down and can't say anything

The hands that I hold are trembling

How to be silent

I long for someone to love me

Somewhere in the world

Leap over the night

To heal all the pain

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me

I long for someone to love me. Every day, every time

She has the same dream in her heart

Waiting for me to stay together for a long time

***dou white head~~

I don't know which one the owner is talking about