"Street of Cannons", is one of the Japanese animation "Memories Trilogy" in the 1950s, the whole animation only a few fade-in and fade-out screen shots, the length of about twenty minutes, can be said to have done ? one shot to the end? "Big Sky Harbor 2013", this movie took six days to shoot a ****, renting Matsumoto Airport as a shooting location in the morning, it took four hours, the set, make-up have to be carried out in advance, and after that in the filming, each day, only one shot, a shot of one hundred minutes. Soul Snatchers, Hitchcock's first color film, uses a pseudo one-shot storyline that takes place in a house and relies mostly on black backgrounds to shift transitions to create continuous images for the viewer's vision.
"Birdman," a pseudo one-shot masterpiece, consists of more than a dozen telecine shots. The principal creators skillfully used special effects as well as filming and editing techniques to make it impossible for the audience to easily perceive the point of editing. The movie won the 87th Academy Award for Best Picture as well as Best Cinematography. Russian Ark, which used authentic live action filming, used a single shot to show over two hundred years of Russian history. The shot was filmed four times before the final success. Nine Lives, which is made up of nine separate story chapters, each using a single shot.
"A Small Section of Life," is remarkably similar to the actual stage play, with the telephoto shot shot entirely in one take, a double homage to both theater and film. "Time Code," to be exact, is an experimental movie. The entire movie is evenly divided into four frames from beginning to end. Each of these frames is a long shot of over 90 minutes. These four frames complement each other in the plot and organically control the sound effects of the different frames, thus completely replacing the role of montage in the previous movie's narrative.
Victoria, shot entirely in real time, in one shot, the entire film was shot in one day's time, and despite having only one shot, the entire film does not diminish the plot of the drama. The Remaining 85 Minutes, a real-time movie about suicide bombers based on historical events. The Silent House, a horror movie shot in one shot that shapes real fear in real time.