Confucius was very kind and peaceful and saved a little slave. One year, the Grand Secretary died, and many people were to be buried with him, the little slave included. In order to escape from this, the little slave fled to Confucius' residence. But Gongshan, who was against Confucius, said that Confucius was hiding "criminals" and wanted to punish him. Confucius not only did not panic, but also the sentence "different ways, do not conspire with each other", directly expressed his own position, forcing the strong Gongshan accustomed to dispel the idea of executing the little slave, the punishment of Confucius' crime. Look! Confucius is not very smart.
Confucius left behind an image, a spirit, a cultural heritage, is the essence of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
Confucius loved his disciples, and the disciples loved their teacher. Once, Confucius and his entourage in the cold thick ice on the lake walking, not long, only to hear "cha, cha" a few sounds, the ice broke, part of the book of Confucius fell into the cold lake, Yan Hui jumped into the water, but was cold and merciless lake water frozen, killed in the lake. Confucius was devastated, having lost a man who could have taught him the Way.
See this, I can not help but think of the performance of students in the school: some people in order to their own interests and hurt others; some people because of other students instigated and attacked other people; some people are in order to obtain their own victory, and to the teacher, classmates to say his (her) bad words ......, whenever you do these things before, please think about each other! Think about Confucius, they are how the brotherhood of unity and love ah! Everyone if a little more tolerance, there will not be so much right and wrong.
This movie makes sad and moved, by Confucius' benevolence and impressed by the true love between their brothers and sisters!
Confucius (551 BC ~ 479 BC), the name of Qiu, the word Zhongni, the Spring and Autumn period of the State of Lu, is the most influential thinker and educator in Chinese history, the founder of the Confucian school. Confucius was so great that he left his thoughts to his descendants, represented by his masterpieces Spring and Autumn Annals and The Analects of Confucius.
After more than ten years of dislocation and traveling around the world, Confucius decided to give up politics and educate his children well. Yan Hui, Zi Lu, and Ran Qiu, had different personalities, but loved their teachers and followed the spirit of etiquette. Zi Lu helped the state of Wei and died in battle; Ran Qiu went back to the state of Lu to serve; Yan Hui, for the sake of Confucius's works to be passed down to the present day, did not hesitate to take his own life and jumped into the sea of ice in the winter when the water dripped into the ice.......
I feel from the movie that we should learn from Confucius's rigor of studying and learning as well as We should learn from Confucius' rigorous attitude to study and his spirit of learning, which is "keen to learn and not ashamed to ask questions", and we should speak frankly like Confucius without beating around the bush. We should study hard to improve ourselves and become a learned, upright, honorable and useful person to our country. Confucius is a model for our thoughts and behaviors to withstand temptation. "Don't be good and don't be evil."
Confucius, the great pioneer of thought, let his thoughts be celebrated by the world!
Hua Mulan 550 wordsHua Mulan's deeds have been passed down to this day, mainly due to the "Mulan" this side of the folk song masterpiece, is this long narrative poem glorifies the Hua Mulan female disguised as a man to take his father from the army of the legendary story. Now many people have made it into a movie, which has been passed down through the ages. War produces heroes and females, and in the absence of male heroes in the world, there will be female heroes, and the war between Northern Wei and Zoran did not have any prominent men, and there was a prominent heroine, Hua Mulan. She was a soft girl, but he was no longer soft for his aging father; she was a weaving woman, but she joined the army to fight for her father.
She never bowed to the male, and told the world loudly: women are not inferior to men. Hua Mulan is about to go on a campaign, how urgent and tense, how high morale, how urgent the march, how tense the military situation, the military order is like a mountain falling, as a young girl to leave the boudoir, put into the battlefield, is like putting into another world. She ate with men **** live, eat the same bitter, suffer the same tired, but do different deeds with men, created a different splendor with men, but also proved that "women where not as good as male?" Hua Mulan came back, which is not easy. She valued the preciousness of life and understood the warmth of family. She refused the emperor's reward, and did not want to be an official in the court, the glory and wealth gently left behind, she would like to ride a thousand miles foot, early return to their hometown.
When she came back, her elderly parents came out to welcome her, her sister made up her makeup, and her brother sharpened his sword to the pigs and sheep to welcome her back. Seeing all this, Hua Mulan heartily happy, twelve years of the sands of birth and death, how difficult. Twelve years of disguise without revealing her identity, how difficult, but all this is over, Hua Mulan's inner spiritual strength, how great it is. As the days settled down, her past companions came to see her again, and she always saw them in her daughter's costume. To her frightened past companions, Hua Mulan said in her heart: "Do you know it? In the past, I fought with you on the battlefield and made great achievements; after returning to the court, I am a girl who is not willing to be a minister of justice.
Return my daughter's true colors, how proud Hua Mulan.
"All the way to Gesanghua" after 1200 words"All the way to Gesanghua" is an emotional film reflecting the life of the contemporary soldiers and the social reality of life.
It positively depicts the long years stationed in the Sichuan-Tibet highway line of the armed police traffic force officers and soldiers in the difficult and dangerous combat life, full of affection for several generations of soldiers and officers of the Sichuan-Tibet line biography, warmly eulogize the contemporary military service to the motherland, the people's consciously sacrificing and dedication to serve the motherland (the synopsis is from the network). The play to the traffic armed police lieutenant Li Qingge and the art college of the beautiful girl quiet love story as the main line, interspersed with the captain and his wife Guo Hong, instructor Zhou Ming and his lover Shen Ping's marital life, etc., the story began in the summer of 20xx, the end of the May 08 Wenchuan earthquake, a passionate rendition of a touching story, the whole play overflowing with positive and progressive health and upward youthful sunshine breath.
After watching, the heart has been y touched: touched by Deng Gang, no name, years of fighting on the Sichuan-Tibet line without complaint; touched by Zhou Ming - a city to give up the comfortable life to the Sichuan-Tibet line to follow the footsteps of their fathers and mothers of the cadres of the child, but because of an accident, forever in the snowy plateau; touched by Those nameless traffic armed police soldiers, three hundred and sixty-five days a year every day is a working day, "eat dumplings, is the New Year"; touched in the back of the silent hard work of the military wife, they are armed police officers and soldiers in the heart of the gerbera!
Sichuan-Tibet line is full of magic place, seems to happen with there contact with each person has a period of heartfelt experience. A military wife who suspected her husband of having an affair, angrily went to Tibet to get a divorce, but discovered her husband's secret that made her cry, and eventually tore up the divorce agreement in front of her husband; a rural military wife who struggled to raise her daughter on a part-time job, went to the Sichuan-Tibet Route to look for her family after her husband disappeared for 10 years, and found her husband's two graves under the snowy mountains. ......
< p> Like An Ning, like Shen Ping, more like Ling Xiaosu played Li Qingge, he interpreted the role very well, not only his handsome appearance, magnetic voice, and his natural performance.
A series of trials and tribulations have made Li Qingge an outstanding officer. And Zhao Ke, who has always been individual-centered, capricious, selfish, arrogant and self-righteous, plays Quiet, has also grown up, and she's no longer that delicate young lady - the cataclysm has made the not-so-sublime sublime, and the sublime sublime even more sublime! As Li Qingge said: "Earthquake, Wenchuan is not the epicenter, the epicenter in the heart of each of us" in front of the catastrophe, the consideration is not only a country to deal with natural disasters, it is also a consideration of each person's heart. Just like the "SARS" period, our country's divorce rate fell, so when the disaster struck, was about to leave the country quietly and against all odds to return to the city of Rongcheng to find her loved ones, she looked for the heart of the comfort and resurrection of the soul.
At that moment, the ground shook; at that moment, all the people really felt that there was a kind of earthquake in people's hearts. Originally determined to divorce Guo Hong found the front line of the rescue Deng Gang, face to face to tear off the divorce agreement; every day in tears quiet passion to participate in a fund-raising charity show, to offer a sincere blessing for Li Qingge, for the military, for all the strong military and civilian victims of the disaster area,...... lovely traffic armed police soldiers, they are silent and unknown, the youth and life, love and dreams are laid out! And life, love and dreams are spread on the Sichuan-Tibet highway; honorable military wife, they endure the common people can not endure, the wind and rain a shoulder - they are like the snowy plateau on the gerbera like, holy and beautiful. They are a group of people who have touched countless viewers and touched me who love to be touched even more! Gesang flower with the changing seasons, the color will also change, it loves the plateau sunshine, but also endures the snowy wind and cold, beautiful but not delicate, soft but not lose upright. Let the gerbera - the happy flower of the plateau continue to bloom their own beauty, always open it, open in the snowy plateau, open in people's hearts, casting a new generation of immortal military soul, cleansing people's mundane soul!
TV series "all the way to Gesanghua" 600 wordsThis is a story that happened on the Sichuan-Tibet line, the university graduate Li Qingge in order to crack the father's Tibet complex, resolutely give up the city comfortable work, from the army to Tibet, when an armed police transportation force "student officer". "The story is about a student officer in the transportation unit of the Armed Police Force. In the Tibetan New Year's party, due to a sudden disaster to get acquainted with the art college to Tibet, the beautiful girl quiet, the two fleeting love fairy tale, due to quiet family changes become a series of twists and turns, so that just arrived in the army of the Li Qingge faced a variety of difficult decisions. In the process of pursuing the sacrifice and dedication of the soldiers for the Sichuan-Tibet line, Li Qingge experienced the test of life and death, and gradually understood his father, but also read the Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet line on the green group, and gradually grow into a real soldier.
The heroine quiet in the experience of love and hate, life and death after the emotional entanglements, both did not get the ideal love, but also lost the pursuit of life's passion, chose to escape, but in the moment she was about to go abroad, the Wenchuan earthquake suddenly occurred, and so, therefore, everything has changed, she was looking for troops to follow the process of emergency rescue in the quake zone of Li Qingge, witnessed the cruelty of the disaster and the greatness of humanity, the soul has been changed. With the greatness of humanity, the soul has been nirvana reborn in the fund-raising party for the disaster area, she jumped a song "all the way to the Gesang flower" Tibetan dance, expressed the sacrifice of dedication and love of the ideal.
After experiencing countless tragic natural disasters and mesmerizing separations of life and death, they y realized the value of life and the true meaning of love. Thus, in the strong collision between perseverance and abandonment, belief and doubt, love and friendship, ego and self, the hustle and bustle of the mainland and the serenity of the plateau, urban civilization and the snowy culture, personal feelings and sacred duties, the intertwining of the family's cold and ambiguous and national interests, they interpreted a scene of the contemporary urban and the Sichuan-Tibet line soldier's little-known and tear-jerking emotional story, which recapitulates the army's efforts for decades for the stability, economic development and national unity of Tibet, and the military's contribution to the development and stability of the country. It is a great contribution to the stability, economic development and national unity of Tibet, and shows a strong spirit of patriotism and sacrifice, interpreting the core values of contemporary soldiers.
"Mulan" after 150 words"Kiki again Kiki, Mulan when the household weaving, do not hear the loom sound, but heard the female sighing ......" This famous "Mulan Poetry" put the flower Mulan this The famous "Mulan Poem" has y imprinted the heroic character of Hua Mulan in people's minds. The movie "Mulan" that I watched on Friday gave me a deeper understanding of this extraordinary woman.
Filial Piety
Mulan's first impression is as a girl. She tricks her father into taking medicine, a scene that had our class doubled over in laughter, but it's the first demonstration of filial piety that Mulan presents to us on screen. Then, when the Khan counts the troops and names the "Flower Arc", Hua Mulan's worried and anxious feelings all appear on her face. How she loved her father. How could her sickly father go to war? He would never come back! Hua Mulan knew this truth y. So, the next day, Mulan took her father's sword, put on her father's robe, and rode her father's horse. These things, which had accompanied Hua Arc on his campaigns for several decades and had been stained with her father's blood, were now full of Mulan's love for her father and her reluctance to give up her hometown, and accompanied Mulan to the war, and also carried Hua Arc's expectations for her daughter, giving Mulan confidence, hope and firm faith.
Parents give us too much, from the day we were born, parents began to work for us. Shouldn't we be ashamed of ourselves compared to Mulan, who took the place of his father in the army? Shouldn't we feel admiration for Mulan? Shouldn't we feel indebted to our parents? The moment Mulan put on the uniform, I was y shocked, we were all y shocked, that set of uniforms to become the best testimony of Mulan on behalf of his father in the army.
In addition to the father, there is a particularly important reason, that is, for the country. Without the past, how can there be a home? If the country is peaceful, the people will be peaceful; if the country is strong, the people will live a rich and happy life. Mulan, for the sake of the past, for the sake of the home, thus embarked on the journey. "Without a country, what is a home?" These words of Wentai became the motivation for Mulan to never give up and keep moving forward. How is this not a truth? In order that the people would not be displaced, Mulan chose to move forward without hesitation, and together with those thousands of warriors, with a boiling patriotic heart, set foot on the boundless desert. Every drop of their sweat will only make them move forward with determination.
Now that our country is strong, our days have become cozy and happy, with no battles taking place. Therefore, we should cherish today and repay our motherland with our own modest efforts. We can not do like Mulan to cross the border, but also to contribute to the motherland, even if it is to participate in public welfare activities, as a small volunteer; even if it is to participate in fund-raising activities, to offer their own hearts ......
In the time of war, it is painful to kill other people, but Mulan and must go to do it, because, that is her responsibility, Mulan had no choice. One of the most impressive lines in the text is "You shouldn't have feelings when you're at war". I think this is wrong. It is because of the country, they will go to war, this is patriotic feelings; it is because of the father, Mulan will join the army, this is father-daughter love; it is because of the comrades in arms, they sang the "100 years of life" will seem so impassioned, sad and heroic, this is the "peer twelve years" of the brotherhood!
Sentiment, responsibility, and the country forced Mulan to take her father's place in the army.
"Kiki again Kiki, Mulan when the household weaving. Don't hear the loom sound, but hear the female sigh ......" This Mulan poem is not just a first memorized ancient verse, but a true portrayal of Hua Mulan, a woman with manhood, and the best testimony to her dedication to the country, to the people, and to her father.
500 Words After "Malanhua"Yesterday, I went to see the play "Malanhua" with Liu Jiaxiang.
The play is about: in the beautiful Malan mountain, lived a lot of cute little animals, one day, happy and beautiful Malan flowers bloomed, Father Wang went up to the mountain to pick, want to give their daughters, accidentally fell into the cliff, at this time, a handsome and capable young man - Malang saved Father Wang, and then the Malan flowers to the old man, wanting to marry one of the old man's daughters, the Dalan smacked Malang! Dahlan thinks that Malang is "shabby" and poor, and doesn't want to go, while Xiaolan is willing to marry Malang, and gets the seemingly ordinary but very magical and useful Malanhua, after Xiaolan and Malang get married, and live a happy life. When Xiaolan goes home to visit her family, and sends her a very nice gift, Dahlan is very jealous, and the old cat, who has been fighting for the Malanhua, gains Dahlan's trust, and when Dahlan wants the Malanhua, the old cat gets the Malanhua. When Dahlan wanted Xiaolan's clothes and so on, the old cat pushed Xiaolan into the river, took away Malanhua but did not know the secret password, Malang and others recognized the true face of Dahlan, and Dahlan has been truly regretted, we all work together to finally defeat the old cat, with the divine power of Malanhua to save the life of Xiaolan.
After watching the play, I remembered the phrase "evil has its retribution", I think the old cat is very nasty, vicious, greedy; old dad for others without regard for themselves; Marang brave, capable, helpful; Xiaolan kind, kind, generous, filial, do not mind the people; Dalan love to be jealous of others, timid, lazy, and love of money; and the little animals are cynical, hateful, and love money, but also love the people, and the people, and the people, and the people, and the people. animals are cynical, lovely and warm-hearted. After watching this play, I know: hypocrisy is sure to be recognized, and it's not too late for a person to correct and admit his mistake in time when he has done something wrong; I think this play is very humorous, interesting and funny.
This drama is a drama, but I think it is very beautiful, and quite good.