Where is Shangsan Tumen Village located

Shangsan Tumen Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Tang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, the city of Tang County Lost Township, urban and rural classification code for 220, for the village. The zoning code is 130627207205, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 130627. The postal code is 071000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0312, and the license plate number is JI F. Shangsan Tumen Village is neighboring with Shimousan Tumen Village, Gudong Village, Zhongyong Village, Xiazhuang Village, Magou Village, Zhongming Lincheng Village, Ximing Lincheng Village, and Dongming Lincheng Village.

There are tourist attractions such as Tangxian Tanfall Gorge Tourist Scenic Spot, DaMao Mountain, Xishenggou Scenic Spot, Tangyao Cultural Park, Gubei Yue National Forest Park and other tourist attractions in the vicinity of Upper SanTuMen Village, and there are specialties such as Tangxian Jujubes, Bowl of Meat, Tangxian Persimmons, Halogenated Tofu, and Tangxian Bell Peppercorns.