Appropriate entertainment can make a person's mood happy, but there should be a degree, once more than this degree may cause unnecessary trouble. If I as a wife, I will not use forceful means to force him, I will skillfully method to resolve the problem. And let him take the initiative to give up playing mahjong, never again dabble in gambling, from the source to catch the root.
The first method:If he played mahjong, I also played mahjong, than he played mahjong lasted longer, I will not persuade him to see who beat who. Rice also do not do the bowl is not washed, the clothes are thrown on the ground to see who screwed who, the big thing is to call for takeout, please the bellhop. As time goes by, the faster he spends his money, the more he is hurt. Let him starve, let his clothes stink, slowly he will reduce the time of mahjong on the housework. To this method there is a bad thing that is, if self-control is not strong, then you and your husband as addicted to playing mahjong, then you two are simply a pearl, strong together.
The second method:Play the family card, let his son and daughter take him home to persuade him, every parent will have no temper in front of their children, and I will not deal with him head-on, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Let the children take their father to the playground and go out for excursions. If he spends a lot of time outdoors naturally he will not have so much free time to play mahjong. He played mahjong may just be habit, and habit is the most difficult to change to give him time to slowly adapt to life without mahjong.
The third method: the cold war method. When you try the first and second methods are ineffective, the third method is the next best thing. Cold him, consume him, take the child back to his mother's home, he did not quit mahjong one day I do not go home one day, let him stay alone in the empty house, do not care if he is hungry, clothes have no one to wash. If he wants to play mahjong, let him go and play, if he still wants the family must give up the gambling addiction. His attitude must be strong, and he must not be mesmerized by his rhetoric. You can't be impressed by his bitter tactics, you have to have your own judgment to analyze whether he is honest and sincere to quit mahjong.
Large bets hurt the body, small bets make the heart grow fonder. My mother as a longitudinal through the mahjong table master, but she never addicted to mahjong, childhood every time my mother went to play mahjong is my happiest time, because she every time to play mahjong will be especially happy, and I use will get a lot of pay, the heart will also secretly look forward to her next time to play mahjong is what time. Although mahjong is good, you can't be greedy. The man is the backbone of the family, you need to earn money to support the family, if the man at home to do nothing, only know the mahjong, the family will be the same as a sham.
To have a clear idea of what an awkward situation they are in, on the old man needs to be taken care of, under the child needs to be raised, so think about it men you have any reason not to try it? Addicted to playing mahjong your heart will not hurt? Do not earn money to spend women's money meter face will not be red? Just know that playing mahjong eating and drinking you and the pig and what is the difference between it, do not insult the pig, at least the pig's body is full of treasure.