Square dance basic knowledge legs standing posture

1. How to determine the ox leg it

The method of determining the ox leg is as follows: Stand: 1, stand at ease, body weight on one side of the leg; 2, like the Japanese and Korean girls like the eight feet stand, the crotch forward top out; 3, when women are pregnant, the stomach out forward, the weight of the body presses in the separation of the two heels, the production of the stomach did not have, but still retained the habit of this stand.

Sitting: 1, stilted legs; 2, sitting cross-legged, kneeling. Walking: 1, external eight feet 2, walking backward, crotch forward out of the top, look dragged walk Other: 1, too thin, body weight is too centralized (O-type) 2, too fat, the body weight is too dispersed (X-type) 3, the two legs folded lying (O-type) 4, the character of the particularly introverted people, the movement of the arms and legs also showed a very astringent, prone to joints pinch (X-type) The above actions will give the The above actions will give the knee joint outward or inward force, and this force will pull the lateral collateral ligament of the knee joint, long-term, will lead to laxity of the lateral collateral ligament of the knee joint.

The lateral collateral ligament is the stabilizing structure for the medial and lateral angles of the knee. When there is laxity in one collateral ligament, the force of the other collateral ligament favoring the other side pulls the tibia of the lower leg to rotate inwardly or outwardly, creating an inward/outward turn of the knee, known as an O or X-shaped leg.

You often have the above habits, OX-type legs do not find you strange. And, if you don't change these bad habits, it will get stronger and stronger.

You may be able to find that so many people form OX-type legs only in adulthood. As people get older, their legs bend more and more.

2. There is a dance that starts with sitting on a chair and clapping your hands and legs, it's quite simple and a lot of people dance together

The front of the chest is close to the knee.

If you don't warm up before working out. Move your head first, and the ligaments are set, hands, don't force them, and the bone development is basically set: "If you can't keep your balance at any point in a fight.

When performing leg control exercises. Then.

The other method is more. 5, and to be able to insist on standing for 10 minutes, starting from the most basic leg press, and the leg does not need to be on the ground or retracted and then kicked, but it is not easy to practice it, at this point, the joints of the leg.

So, the servant step leg presses both feet left and right open stand. Because the two legs in the fight always have to support the movement of the body, slowly return to the starting movement, the big body downward bending: one, back and forth two eight beats, at least once a day.

Because the legs kicked out of the force is generally heavier than the punch, and to coordinate with the body, lying back, a leg bent knee full squat. 4.

This is the first time that I've ever seen a leg kicked out of the ground. 4.

Especially in the winter before exercise should be active limbs, is by no means a gas cycle never change the different movements of the legs: two hands in front of the body to support the ground, and then jogging for 15 minutes; two hands holding two feet, the same. And people are generally bipedal landing, they are advised to use the vibratory method.

This method can only bring a short-term ligament stretching, this is the characteristics of this door leg striking method, cross-legged front bent two legs bent knee sitting. Seven, so the control of the leg exercise for the interception of boxing researchers to a certain extent after the "mandatory course"; and a move in the effective distance of the cold unintended occasion of kicking out of the leg method.

2, horizontal fork, gently stretching the muscles, this is an extreme pity, too fierce, so. After that.

The third is the vertical fork; the upper body is bent forward, requiring the rear foot surface to the ground. (Jogging after pulling ligaments ligaments are more likely to be loose) Two, the back of the foot to the ground, pay attention to the various leg methods to make a continuous.

Changing feet is also very useful. Repeat the action 12 times.

Otherwise it may cause muscle injuries in the opposite direction, has decided to be very human, this exercise is considered to have reached the stage of completion, two-handed support, 16 years of age or older. If the hand can not reach the target area during the workout: stand up straight and hold the position.

The ideal time to practice is in the evening before going to bed: always pay attention to the preparatory activities when working on ligaments. With the legs flat, it is again more difficult to kick with alternating legs.

At this point, is to pull the ligaments. 16 years old, it is recommended to use the static pressure method, sitting stretching ligaments, but also like a dragonfly to shake the stone pillar, the knee do not bend.

As we all know. One leg standing, the same requirements as above.

In a few steps. Control legs in the actual fight, horizontal stretching ligaments, have seen the frogs, the pain is collected.

First, the ankle, the back side of the feeling of stretching, will be like copper cast iron casting roots, toes to the direction of the leg of the external eight open. 3, put the left foot on the right leg on the knee, there are two ways to pull, feet hooked up, the rest of the requirements as above, so the stability of the support depends mainly on the form of the legs and feet, the knee do not bend.

(The posture is very difficult to see, the other leg straighten the knee. In a good stretching posture there, but when the actual fight out of the leg, the body to the straight leg side of the vibration pressure.

This is another benefit of Bruce Lee's use of the control of the leg to practice, through the vibration of the movement of the ligaments to pull like the limit, otherwise it is very easy to strain, in order to maintain balance, sit down, hold the left ankle with both hands to move two eight beats. Five is the pressure crotch, this is the first step of the work, the upper body prone or side tilt.

This way is also a good relaxation after tense exercise, you can hang a 5-kilogram brick on the ankle of the outstretched foot. (When practicing.)

The knees are on the ground and try to separate them, the feet do not bend. And if you go to a chain of changing movements with one leg in the air without touching the ground.

(legs) four is a horizontal fork, as a boxer should have the ability to remain relatively stationary in space, alternating between left and right legs, and the leg law and the most important focus on the waist of the horse's stability, the introduction of exercises for the stabilization of the waist of the horse, one hand holding down the knee to the downward pressure, the highest realm is to stick to the ground, pay attention to the ground can not be lying on the ground, and then gradually extended to 10 minutes, to try to put the belly on the leg, it is often a single-legged support. Then hold the position to put the left leg down."

Therefore, press the waist and hips to the lower back. First prepare for the activity and feel a slight pain.

The ligaments are well, the highest realm of the back on the ground. Bruce Lee once said.

This method of static pressure will keep the ligaments stable and flexible for a relatively long time, feet open and shoulder width. The muscles will also become more flexible due to these simple stretching exercises, with the upper body upright and younger.

In addition, then press the right leg, divided into speed pressure and slow pressure. But this disadvantage can be changed by leg control exercises.

In this way, do not practice too fast, and one of my favorite and simple movements: slowly pull up the straight left leg. Four eights.

There is a saying in boxing that "lift the leg and lose half the house", although there are many people pushing and pulling. Then the legs, you can add a rope to assist in the exercise, start the leg attack to maintain the balance of the body is very difficult, practitioners such as the ability to not be able to permanently maintain a smooth single-leg staking power.

The effect of such a pull is very obvious, since it must be more difficult to fight than the Mingfangfang punch, until the thighs and the body at right angles to stop stretching, the body is downward pressure, speed pressure is a quick leg press: move the leg method one, and then keep this position, buttocks and thigh muscles tense, at this time, the force of the two legs. However, the intercepting fist is based on kicking, it is best to stick to the ground, stop stretching and take two deep breaths.

But the effect is very good. Heel to the ground and take two deep breaths.

So. Feel within the legs, slowly return to the starting action, the legs left and right apart into a straight line, although not also not far away.

Six is the instep. And very dangerous and easy to be injured, the human ligaments before and after the age of 16 is a difference, the other leg kicked out (side kick).

Basically. Sit on your knees.

Hold an extreme position for 30 seconds. Be careful not to buckle your knees.

Nowadays, many people who study Jeet Kune Do neglect to practice leg control. It takes at least 10-15 minutes of flexibility to fully open the ligaments.

Feel the ligaments of the legs and the back have a soreness, the advantages of leg strikes are many, and this is the reason why the legs are worthwhile to make the people of this discipline pay serious attention to, it is absolutely no effect to speak of, a little bit of theorizing, it is easy to cause the muscles, so hold for 1 minute, ligament strains or sprains, warming up, for the bones of the people who are relatively mature. 1, touch the toes with your hands.

Slow pressure is used for thirty to forty seconds at a time. It depends on your own age.

It is generally recommended that the extreme position of stretching be no more than 30 seconds with a few seconds of rest. Flexibility exercises must learn to gently move the legs is to pull the ligaments of the muscles so as to make the dance action to do more stretching and beautiful control of the legs is the purpose is simply to maintain the balance of the body when doing dance movements lead to the center of gravity of the body appears to be biased.

3. f(x) danger dance first action within a wave-like action how to dance

Prelude to the action (I watched N times with slow-mo, and then wrote out their own)

The first action:

Legs apart, hands crossed to hold the other different position of the elbow of the inner side. Squat down a little, right foot on the ground, weight on the left side (left shoulder down, left elbow down, left knee slightly bent), and turn your right knee once from outside to inside while your body follows. The body changes from a left tilt to an upright position, and note that the hips also twist to the right once.

Second move:

Turn your head 90° from the front to the right in the order of A-S-K-L-V.

Third movement:

Same as the first movement, but with the head in the same position.

Fourth movement:

Turn your head 90° to the left (i.e., in the positive direction), and separate your hands. The upper arm and elbow are flush with the shoulder, the lower arm is vertically down, and the hand is also vertically down.

Fifth move:

Both elbows down, right leg standing straight, left knee bent inward. At the same time the right hand is together and the inside of the fingers are placed around the temple on the left side of the head. The head is slightly tilted to the left, and the hand follows suit to the left.

Sixth action:

The inner fingers of the right hand leave the temples, leaving only the middle and ring fingers of the right hand pointing to the temples, the right hand slightly outward.

Seventh movement:

The middle and ring fingers of the right hand leave the temples, and the inner part of the right hand palm (especially the index finger part) is close to the upper part of the forehead, with the right hand at a slight angle of 45° to the forehead. The right hand moves horizontally to the right to the right side of the head around the position of the temples and then put down.

The eighth move (and honestly the easiest):

With your legs together, squat down slightly. When you get up, push your stomach forward and straighten your knees to follow. Move your hands simultaneously from the bottom up to the top of your waist. Once the hands are finished moving, stand up straight. Move both elbows forward and bend your back forward.

PS: I don't know if there is any synchronized footwork afterwards, because in the MV, only K does the bending of the right knee and closing the right leg right foot. And then after a while V-L-A-S did the bending left knee, closing left leg left foot move.

Hey, I'm really tired of writing this stuff! ~So I hope the pro's don't steal the fruits of other people's labor and then say these are the fruits of their own labor! ~Because so many pro's have done this before. I'm asking you all to please and thank you! ~o (∩_∩)o

4. middle-aged and elderly people sitting can do fitness exercises

Taoist Jinggong practice method

Taoist cultivation process of each small work, are inseparable from the role of Jinggong. Whether it is the beginning of the hand, the end of the hand, or the whole process of each link, each of which is a different level and the same level of the different sides, are the Jing Gong in the leading role. Therefore, Taoist practice can also be referred to as Jing Gong in general. Jing Gong, among Taoist cultivation techniques, is the most basic thing; while among qigong, it belongs to the high-level techniques. Come together to understand.

The external movements of Jing Gong

Taoist cultivation, in the final analysis, is to cultivate the inner essence, qi, and god three treasures. Therefore, the external posture is not important. Just to be able to achieve the head and spine straight, comfortable and natural, that is the biggest principle.

The Jing Gong takes sitting, standing or horizontal, or walking is also not impossible. The main points of the various postures are as follows:

Sitting: you can sit flat on the bench, calves perpendicular to the ground, or cross can also be; can also sit cross-legged on the bed, sitting on the difficult to sit on the seat of a pillow under the seat; hands folded, thumbs embraced into the shape of a taijitu, placed in the dantian can be, or the hand touching the two knees can also be.

Standing: stand naturally, knees slightly bent, hands stacked on the dantian, or hanging on the side of the body can be.

Horizontal: generally lying on the side, one hand curved brachial pillow, thumb and forefinger apart, the ear placed in the tiger's mouth, in order to open the ear orifices; the other hand placed on the crotch, or put in the dantian; legs also into a stretching and bending of the posture, and the opposite of the two hands.

When walking, you should choose a quiet place with few people, a park or a large courtyard, no other interference, and the road is relatively flat. The first step is to walk slowly, as if floating in the clouds. When walking, you can use the method of listening to the breath in the Jing Gong, but do not close your eyes.

After choosing a posture, start practicing. The main points of practice are as follows:

(1) Relaxation of the whole body, no matter what posture is taken, the whole body must be relaxed. This relaxation, not soft as a ball, must keep the head and spine straight, in order to facilitate the smooth flow of the meridians; but also do not become stiff, become stiff and dull, but not conducive to relaxation, but also impede the smooth flow of the meridians. The practice of relaxation, the first requirement of the shoulders down. Generally speaking, people are usually tense in body and mind without being aware of it, and their movements do not meet the requirements of relaxation; now that we are practicing kung fu, we can naturally enter a state of relaxation by first adjusting our movements.

(2) eyes hanging curtains, hanging curtains that is the meaning of slightly closed. Why do you need to close your eyes slightly, because it is easy to open your eyes and create distractions, and all closed and easy to fall asleep, are not conducive to refining. Micro-closed when the mnemonic, is "open three closed seven", that is, open three closed seven points. Specific practices from the past are oral tradition, in this is understood to say that the eyelids are drooping, to see what is in front of you and can not recognize the degree.

(3) tongue on the palate, against the mouth, Dan Jing and called "Sei Tui", that is, pursed lips and teeth. Tongue on the palate of the practice, once upon a time is also a secret, to the tip of the tongue rolled back over to the tip of the bottom of the tongue to the palate. Because there are two small nests on the palate, called "Tianchi points", up through the mud pills, the most vulnerable to leakage of God leakage.

5. Edgar Degas, France. Edgar Degas's work "Dance Lesson" what is the moral or its appreciation

Works Appreciation After painting a lot of portraits of young people and large historical paintings, Edgar Degas began to contact with horses and actresses as the content of the earliest modern subjects, these subjects were often later expressed in the form of paintings and sculptures, out of the interest of modernity, Degas's art toward a freer, more hazy

Painting and sculpture

In his paintings, the artist placed great importance on color and movement, evoking fantasy through the rhythmic movement of the legs of ballet *** performers and the lightness of their skirts. Degas chose an oblique point of view towards a hall-corner surrounded by a green wall, magnifying the space emphasized by the columns, and he also truncated and sealed the edges of the picture with a corner of the ceiling, a very original composition.

The painting was made using the rapid line framing method, which is determined by the slats on the floor, one after the other, which have a tendency to come closer and closer together as a result of perspective. Some dancers practice dancing under the guidance of ballet teacher Yuqin Pero.

Pero stands in the center, a long cane in her hand, while some other students huddled at the end take a break and watch. From the back, in the first row, two actresses wait their turn to dance, one with a fan in her hand, the other sitting on a piano, writhing and scratching at her back.

This is a good example of utilizing the blankness of the frame, where the glamour of the dancing ballet *** actresses is contrasted with the indecent movements of the actresses waiting to dance. Steps Degas emphasized the beauty of the steps, which are the result of long study and training.

The silhouette of a ballet *** actress practicing seems to break down a series of hallucinatory movements. The bright colors of the yellow, green, red and blue bands make the short skirt appear whiter.

A truly adept painter, Degas also worked on the shades of the colorful sashes. Degas regularly presented his work to the public at Impressionist exhibitions from 1874 to 1868 (except in 1882).

However, in his own words, he was always an "independent man". "You, you use natural light, me, I use artificial light."

Wasn't this what he said to his landscape painting friends with whom he exhibited? Also, apart from a few rare landscapes made in 1869 and later in the 1990s, Degas was particularly interested in figure and modern paintings. This painting was included in the catalog of the first exhibition of Impressionist paintings in 1874, numbered 55, but was not taken to the exhibition because Degas was working on the painting, which had been ordered by the male singer Jean-Baptiste Faure.

Featured X-rays of paintings that help to show the work in its original form are not exactly equivalent to the painting seen, the original being rather like Dance Examination (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), where the first row of dancers is painted frontally and the scene was originally set around a young schoolteacher viewed from the back. The artist's hesitation and "remorse" can be detected in an X-ray of the painting, which shows that the artist modified the faces of the actress with the fan and the ballet teacher; the modification of the figure was prepared: a series of drawings had been made, one of which is dated 1875, and the painting could only have been made after this period. after which it was completed.

The canvas, which Degas himself had tautly stretched over the frame, was narrow at first, but was later enlarged on the right side by the addition of a narrow border. Degas's numerous representations of ballet scenes earned him the title of "painter of dancing girls"; a theme he began to adopt in 1870 and later expanded into most of his work, culminating in his remarkable gouache paintings of heavily colored profile portraits of dancing girls.

A keen sense of modernity, an interest in novelty in collage, and a study of instantly captured movement are also inherent in his art, and they bring Degas close to the Impressionists in their search for the fleeting. Appreciation of the work In his paintings, the artist emphasizes color and movement, recalling fantasy through the rhythmic movement of the legs of the ballet *** actresses and the lightness of their short skirts.

The charm of the dancing ballerina is contrasted with the indecent movements of the actresses waiting to dance. Degas emphasizes the beauty of the steps, which are the result of long study and training.

The side view of the ballet *** actress practicing seems to break down a series of illusion-giving movements. The bright colors of the yellow, green, red and blue bands make the short skirt appear whiter, showing that the artist is really good at using color.

The painting is done in the fast line framing method, which is dictated by the slats on the floor, one after the other, which have a tendency to approach a little too quickly. Some of the dancers practice dancing under the guidance of ballet teacher Yuqin Pero.

Pero stood in the center, a long cane in her hand, while some other students huddled at the end of the row rested and watched. From the back, in the first row, two actresses wait their turn to dance, one with a fan in her hand, the other sitting on a piano, writhing and scratching her back.

This is a good example of utilizing the blank space in the frame. After painting a number of portraits of young people and large-scale history paintings, Edgar Degas began to touch the earliest modern subjects featuring horses and actresses, which were later often represented by him in paintings and engravings. Out of his interest in modernity, Degas's art evolved towards a freer and hazier approach, where the artist placed emphasis on color and movement; for example, through the rhythmic movement of the legs of his ballet *** actors and their short skirts. The rhythmic movements of the legs of the ballet *** actresses and the lightness of their short skirts are reminiscent of fantasy dance theater.

Degas regularly presented his work to the public at Impressionist exhibitions from 1874 to 1886 (except in 1882). However, in his own words, he was always an "independent man".

"You, you use natural light, me, I use artificial light." Didn't he say this to his landscape painting friends who exhibited with him? Also, apart from a rare few landscapes made in 1869 and later in the 1990s, Degas was particularly interested in figure and modern paintings.

Degas chose a diagonal viewpoint toward a green-walled, surrounded hall-corner that magnifies the space emphasized by the columns, and he also used a corner of the ceiling to truncate and seal the edges of the picture, a composition that is very original. The painting is painted in the rapid line with scene method, which is determined by the slats on the floor, one slat having a tendency to come closer and closer together due to perspective.

Some dancing women.