Where does Huangjia Village belong to

Huangjia Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Xuzhuang Town, Dali County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, with an urban and rural classification code of 121 for the town center area. The zoning code is 610523101204, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 610523. The postal code is 714000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0913, and the license plate number is Shaan E. Huangjia Village is adjacent to Zhoujia Village, Liuchi Village, Xixiaopo Village, Yejia Village, Xuzhuang Village, Shanglv Village, Xuzhuang Farms Community, Wupang Village, Guanghua Community, Donghan Village, Paodi Village, Xihang Village, Xiqiu Village, Yijing Village, and Xijia Village, Yijing Village neighboring.

Huangjia Village near the Li-Bei Battle Jiao Nipo Battle Site, Fengtu Yi Cang, Tongzhou Lake Scenic Spot, winter jujube town, Fuyao Ancient Walled City Scenic Spot and other tourist attractions, there are watermelon in Dali, Dali yellow cauliflower, Dali winter jujube, peanuts in Dali, Shadizhi peppers and other specialty products.