How are the lyrics of "People Come and Go" different from other songs?
From the emotional aspect: the lyrics must have sincere emotions, either happy or sad, or spirited, or warm, etc. As long as it can move you, it is a good song. As long as it touches you, brings back memories, and stirs up your deepest feelings, then it's good lyrics, and that's very important. In terms of phrasing: lyrics should have different styles and requirements for different purposes. For example, the Chinese style (ancient style) song is a major point is that the language must be aesthetic mood, adding poetry elements is the best, followed by the requirements of rhyme; and street dance square dance lyrics require more sentence structure can not have a remote hard to read words, must be popular and so on. From adapting to the tune: lyrics to be sung, so good must be the content and structure are suitable for its corresponding tune, for example, soothing music with deep lyrics, lyrics structure long and short sentences can be used; and fast-paced music with catchy, preferably roughly the same structure of the lyrics and so on. (The tune of Piggy's Daughter-in-Law can't be paired with lyrics that aren't emotional, right? This example is for you to laugh, the reason is indeed so).