There is one meaning and one sentence in Jianghu. Loyal, you can get along in the rivers and lakes, and your popularity will be wide. In the end, everyone will sell you a face But if you want to mix well for a long time, you must pay attention to one word. As the saying goes, there is evidence in the world, and it is difficult to move without reason, which is reflected in the truth. No matter how chaotic and dark the rivers and lakes are, the words will always be positive, and whatever we do, we need to be reasonable. Jianghu not only refers to the world where people live, but also refers to the Jianghu where people live. Rivers and lakes are all around us, in the city center. Therefore, in daily life, no matter how to cross the border, we must be reasonable and do what we can.
Although the Jianghu is crooked, we should keep a correct attitude and pay attention to one word in everything. This is the real mystery of mixing Jianghu. Those who mix in rivers and lakes will be unreasonable and want to kill people when they are young. But when they get old and take the top spot, they become reasonable, and even some underworld organizations have begun to wash their hands of it and become serious companies. Therefore, the rivers and lakes are unreasonable, and the world can walk with it in one sentence. Whether it is the truth or the truth, he guides us to look at things fairly, instead of solving problems with violence and Jianghu spirit.