What countries in the world are big sports nations?

The big sports countries, as opposed to the small sports countries, measure the development of a country's sports in terms of quantitative dimensions such as "size".

Sports Powers

The countries that have won the most medals at the Olympic Games so far are: the United States, Greece, Germany, the United States of America, the United States of America, and the United States of America. , Greece, Germany? , France? Britain, Belgium, Cuba, Hungary and Canada. , Belgium, Cuba, Hungary, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Italy? Japan? Russia? , Australia, Bulgaria, Romania, China? , South Korea?

The United States?

The United States, although the strength of the United States is not weak, but the United States can get a medal in just a few projects, such as swimming or sprinting, etc., and these projects to get a medal are in other countries under the mistakes of the players only to get, in the previous Summer Olympics won the most gold medals of the country is the United States, as of the end of the 2012 London Olympics, the United States totaled more than 968 gold medals won. The United States has won 968 gold medals as of the end of the 2012 London Olympics, and has topped the medal standings 11 times, has been second seven times, and has finished third twice to the Soviet Union and Germany? finishing third under the Soviet Union and Germany.


China is so strong that China must be number one in medals or gold medals, why is that because China is so strong in swimming, table tennis and swimming that basically no other country can have the ability to compete with China for gold medals.


Britain this country's athletes are almost no long-term training, and they are basically temporary to make up the number, usually when they are working, and soon to be competing, and then training, such a team is very difficult to get a medal.


This country's team is also relatively strong, but they can get a medal in very few items, but also in weightlifting and other items relying on the strength of the project they can get a medal, so they will not be the country with the most medals.

The country of Japan?

This country is not weak, but they are too conceited, and their country is good at China's strongest events, so they are definitely behind China in terms of medals. s.