1. This note issued when the small yellow honey will have basically ended, so will focus on labeling honey will need to use the clothes.
2. On the theme of fashion week, this time I only marked the preliminary round, on the one hand, many sisters have to organize a more detailed fashion week preliminary round of the theme, on the other hand, emm as long as the preliminary round, what to wear in the second round will not have to worry about, haha there is not enough room to write hahaha.
3. Then come to analyze the clothes and some ideas for fashion week ~ (set name abbreviation)
4. About the West Desert, women writers, cheongsam, swimsuits these 4 sets are vital for newbies. Do not underestimate the honey will, each section has gold, have gold will naturally have more clothes, clothes more honey will pass will be more, naturally play more and more good. Beginners in the early stage should pay attention to change the clothes with color labels, to pay attention to the extraordinary perfect excellent excellent good. Swimsuit, sandals and cheongsam these three pieces of the first round is a must change, or honey will be too tough. The others can be changed in the second round.
5. Twilight star set can be to the second round and then change the content of which, but the silver and white radiance is recommended to change in the early stage, it contains noble attributes, will play a big role in the vivacious and noble level. I don't know why, obviously a dress has six attributes, in addition to the first two attributes, I think the pair of noble and simple also play a big role, so when you pass the honey club must pay attention to whether you want simple or noble. Midnight Magic must be taken early, it's so good.
6. Early frost, 1001 night, ivy, autumn are not particularly recommended, play here are generally in the middle of the event clothing will accumulate a lot, but the early frost of hair, ivy socks recommended the first round to take. Personally, I think the whole set of fall warmth can be ignored, keep the card to buy new clothes.
7. About the fashion week new added clothes actually I'm not very recommended, in addition to the ball winner of the purple dress is more bright, other attribute label are not more fragrant appear. The dreamland guardian can be exchanged in a whole set, is considered to be a better 5-star set. Snow Dancer and skillful time to save the card to wait for the new dress.
8. Overall, the fashion week clothes are not as good as the activities of the set of good-looking and exquisite, but the attributes are more conscientious, save the card is not easy, unless the list of the big brother, we are still picking lone product exchange it.
9. fashion week I once four number at the same time voting, found that similar accessories clothes will be put together to compare; the same time to vote, vote for people have a high probability of the same; and every time we will be accustomed to the latest activities out of the clothes to participate in the fashion week, so that the corresponding rate of appearances will be increased, in fact, fashion week is considered a coalition of partners to struggle with the activities of the singles is not fragrant.
10. In order to get more heartfelt cards, it is recommended that you fashion week rematch tickets to buy 55 gold / 5 times, so that a **** spend 825 gold, can get 1500 wish cards, of course, buy 65 are not loss.
11. There is also a misunderstanding that the clothes are not the higher the star the better. First of all, we should look at the clothing attribute label and the level of compliance with the requirements of the label is the most important, and then look at the attribute is extraordinary perfect excellent, and then look at the remaining four attributes and the level of compliance with the last is the same kind of comparisons prioritize the use of the highest star level. And in the level with the label, if the location does not have the corresponding label items, then you should look for clothing without a label that meets the attributes of the secret society.
12. Personal notes are inevitably wrong, welcome to correct. The above only represents Xiao Huang's personal opinion.