In ancient times, Hunan Province, Changde City, Wuling District, next to the well of the silk gourd, lived Liu Hai mother and son. Liu's mother cried her eyes out because she missed her late husband. Liu Hai was very diligent and filial, and went up the mountain every day to cut firewood to feed his mother. In the area of big and small mountains where Liu Hai chopped wood, there lived a fox spirit that had been practicing for many years, and she had refined a precious pearl that could be incarnated in human form when she put it in her mouth. At this time she has become a half-immortal, and if she cultivates for a few hundred years, she will become an immortal and go to heaven. She admired Liu Hai's behavior, so she took the name Hu Xiuying (hu means fox) and insisted on marrying Liu Hai. But the simple and honest Liu Hai, afraid of involving Hu Xiuying suffering, several times to decline, and then see Hu Xiuying a sincere, only agreed to marry Hu Xiuying. After returning home, Liu Hai told his mother, who also liked it and agreed to their marriage. Liu Hai then went to the center of the city of chicken goose alley to buy things to get married. There was a small temple next to Chicken and Goose Lane, and there were eighteen Luohan in the temple. One of the ten Luohan with a group of disciples (Golden Toad) also practiced in secret. He refined a string of money, has also become a half-immortal, if you can get Hu Xiuying's pearl, you can instantly become an immortal and ascend to heaven. Seeing that Hu Xiuying and Liu Hai were married, Ten Luohan became evil and led his disciples to take away Hu Xiuying's precious pearl. When Hu Xiuying lost her pearl, she had no choice but to tell Liu Hai the truth. When Liu Hai found out, he didn't blame Hu Xiuying, he picked up the stone axe he used to chop wood at home and went to fight with the ten Luohan, and finally, with the help of the axe god and Hu Xiuying's sisters, Liu Hai defeated them and got the precious pearl. From then on, they lived a happy life of farming and weaving.