There are nine rows of square flowers, and thorns and leopards pour blood to fill silver poppies. Hua Yan advocates that there is no tung bamboo, and the long knife is upright to cut the Zheng. Thick lintels give birth to red latitudes, and the king of Jin Yan is not drunk in the sun. From the waist three times, I saw the light of Baojun, and Xiang Zhuang got up, only to shed his sheath. Little dust man, the material officer, didn't dance. The real person is a red dragon. The sky is back in the clouds, and Wang Shuiqing of Xianyang is clear. The iron pivot is heavy, and the flag is double-looped for five feet. Hanwang will seal the Qin dynasty today, and will never compare with accounting.
Mo Gong Dance Music Translation and Annotation Translation There are nine pillars on the carved ancient stone pier in the square. The leopard was killed on the pillars, and the blood was poured into a silver bottle for drinking. There was no orchestral music at the banquet, only bursts of military music. The long straight knives were cold and dense, like cutting the strings of the Zheng. The banner on my forehead was bright red, and the hot sun faded. Xiang Yu is still not drunk. Fan Zeng saw the jade Jue at the waist of the third eye, and Xiang Zhuang came forward with his sword. Don't move, you brave little minister Hanwang in the seat is Chi Di's son. At that time, the Xiangyun fog on Mangdang Mountain once lingered in the sky, and the king of Xianyang was full of vitality and the omen was clear as water. The iron pivot and the iron key were heavily locked, and the five-foot banner of the Han army had hit the knocker in one fell swoop. Hanwang took three fat for granted today. In order to protect him, I broke my knee and dug my intestines willingly.
Note 1 Mo Gong Dance, the name of ancient dance. That is, the towel dance of later generations is ugly and thinks it is humble. 3 square flower stone foundation, carved stone foundation. Foundation, cornerstone. There is an old saying that "the moon is dizzy and the wind blows, and the foundation is moist and silent." The pillar in front of Tanya's main room. The leopard is covered in blood and is described as "the voice of war" (Zhou,). Silver poppy, a container decorated with silver or silver. Used to hold liquids. One of Juyuan Yang's "Shi Shui Ci" in the Tang Dynasty: "The silver poppy is deeply locked and stored in clear light, and no one has tasted it." 5 Chinese feast, a sumptuous feast. Tang Du Fu's "Liu Jiufa Cao Zheng Qiu Shimen Banquet Collection" poem says: "If you can be an official, you will get a golden banquet." Dunhuang Quzi Ci Huanxisha: "I am glad to see (see) the Chinese banquet dedicated to the great sage, and the song (song) has been music for a hundred years. Advocate and play music. "History of Han Dynasty: A biography of Duan Qirui": "You are good and simple, and counselors advocate it. Tang Shen Yazhi's "A Solution to Complaints in Central Hunan": "Those who play strings and advocate are all immortals. "Zhu Tong" refers to orchestral instruments. Tung refers to the harp and so on, and bamboo refers to the flute. 6 lintel, horizontal frame above doors and windows. Coarse brocade, brocade woven from coarse silk. Born, exposed. Weft, the horizontal thread woven by shuttle in weaving, the horizontal thread of knitted fabric. 7 roast, roast, this refers to drying. Yan Yan (niān), withered, plants lose water and shrink, which means the color is not bright. 8 Jue, precious jade. Biography of Historical Records of the Hongmen Banquet: "Wang Xiang repeatedly drank and was detained. Wang Xianghe and Xiang Bo sit in the east, and Yafu sits in the south. Father, Fan Zeng also. Pei Gong sat in the north, while Sean waited in the west. Fan Zeng has several kings, three of which are shown by the Yu Pei she wears, while Wang Moran should not. " The reflection, Cao Wei Pi Shu and Zhong You: "When arriving, Baojun arrived first. Southern Liang wrote: "What is expensive is expensive, not envied. Tang Du Fu's poem "Mourning for the Sun King": "There is a rare green coral under the vest, and a prince is crying on the street corner. "No.9 scabbard, sword drawn from the sheath. Column, generally refers to something that is blocked. Ten officers, soldiers or low-level Wu Zhi will be sent. Historical Records Biography of Prime Minister Zhang Lie: "Shen Tu Prime Minister Jia Wei, expected the official Zhang to attack and move to the team rate. "History of the Han Dynasty, Biography of Cuo": "If the material officials are like-minded, then the Xiongnu revolution can be supported by the wooden recommendation. Yan Shigu's note: "A material officer has material strength. "Tang Du Fu's" General Map "poem 1:" How many officials guard the prestige of Beijing, the general will not break his worries. Qiu cited Tang Zhi: "I don't know how many officials there are, but they are all officials." A little dust, just a little dust. ⑾ Real people refer to the so-called Mr Right who unifies the world. Historical Records of Qin Shihuang: "The first emperor said: I admire real people and call myself' real people', not me." Heng Nan Fu: "Today, the land is full of thorns, the emperor is in chaos, and the tigers are raging. It is really the autumn of revolution. Biographies of Liang Shuwei: "There are real people in the world, and they are close to our state. On the volume of "Six Kingdoms Pinghua", it is said: "No one is unified, and the seven countries strive for hegemony. "Red dragon, red dragon, this refers to the emperor gaozu liu bang. In ancient times, Chen Weijia was lucky to take fire as the king (such as Yan Di Shennong, Di Yao, Han Liu Bang). " Gao Han's comments in Huai Nan Zi Xiu Wu Xun and Yao Mei Ba Cai: "Yao Mei built the capital, made the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, sent her to a widow's house in Iraq, and was widowed at the age of 20 and went out to see the river. There is a negative of a red dragon ... The red dragon and Yao are combined. Song Lomi's "The History of Taoism and the Beginning of the Six Dynasties": "Shennong feels the red dragon ... Liu Ji felt the red dragon when he broke the snake. ⑿ Mangdang Mountain Yun Rui, Mangdang Mountain and Dangshan Mountain are collectively called, which are located in the southeast of Dangshan County, Anhui Province, bordering Yongcheng County, Henan Province. Historical Records of Emperor Gaozu: "Qin Shihuang often said that there is a son of heaven in the southeast, so he was tired of traveling east." Gaozu suspected that he had disappeared and hid among the rocks in Mangdang Mountain. Lv Hou always gets what he wants from others, but the high-impedance monster asks him for it. Lv Hou said: "There are always clouds where the four seasons live, so we get the four seasons from the usual." High-impedance heart happy. Holding back the sky, the sky is full of twists and turns. [13] Xianyang refers to the high-impedance Ji Xiang entering Xianyang. Clear, clear and obvious. [14] Sword, a wooden bar inserted in the door, is called Guan horizontally and Jian vertically. Double beam, double control. ⒂ Five-foot flag refers to Liu Bang's army. Playing the double ring means breaking the customs. [14] Absolutely, break the patella. "Historical Records of Qin Benji": "The king of Wu is a powerful minister, and the mighty people despise him. Both Wu Huo and Meng are big officials. Wang and Meng said, "This tripod is absolutely unique." Zhang Shoujie's justice: "Never, never. Fat, shin also. Song Mei Yao Chen's poem Guliu said: "The more you lie down, the bigger the tripod, and you can't carry it." Qing Yuan Mei's Poems with the Garden Volume 14: "I often advise poets not to despise the seven ancients. Why not?" Fear is small but heavy. For example, Qin Wuwang holds a tripod, which makes it impossible. ののの (k ū) intestines, laparotomy to pick the intestines. Zhuangzi foreign objects: Zhong Ni said: A turtle can dream in Yuan Jun, but can't avoid the net, knowing that it can drill seventy-two? (General policy), the pain of intestinal fistula is inevitable. " "Minister, refers to Fan Yan. The last two sentences were spoken in Fan Kuai's tone. Who cares? I don't care
Appreciation of Mo Gong Dance Music This is a poem describing the banquet at Hongmen and praising Liu Bang. Mo Gong dance is the towel dance of later generations. Le Shu Zhi Yi of Song Dynasty: "It is also said that there were cup dances, male dancers and female dancers in the early Jin Dynasty, and today's towel dances. Yuefu Dance Song Poem Three Towel Dance Song: Tang Zhiyue: Dance, Jin and Song Dynasties called towel dance. It is said that Emperor Gaozu and Ji Xiang will meet at the Hongmen, and Xiang Zhuang will dance with his sword and kill Gaozu. Xiang Bo will also dance. Through his sleeves, Zhuang Yun said, "Mo Gong. "The ancients called the public, and the public did not harm Hanwang. * * * Dezhi, so the dance towel is like the legacy of Xiang Bo's sleeve. This dance shows the story of Xiang Bo protecting Liu Bang at the Hongmen banquet.
As the preface of Mo Gong Dance said, this song was written to praise Xiang Bo for protecting Liu Bang at the Hongmen banquet. The poet intends to renovate and change an old topic into new content to praise Liu Bang.
This poem is extraordinary, and six sentences in a row pave the way for the tense atmosphere of the Hongmen banquet. Then, taking Fan Zeng as an example, Xiang Zhuang continued to play up Liu Bang's dilemma. The last eight sentences do not describe Liu Bang's words and deeds positively, but imitate Fan Kuai's tone to recall Liu Bang's deeds and confidently put forward the proposition that "Hanwang needs Qin Feng today". The majestic tone and momentum reflect Liu Bang's heroic achievements.
The theme of Mo Gong Dance is the "Hongmen Banquet" described in Historical Records of Xiang Yu. The poet gave full play to the imagination of this poem and made a unique artistic re-creation. The poem describes Fan Kuai's heroic acts such as "throwing a banquet", angrily denouncing Xiang Yu and shielding Liu Bang, and successfully portrays this heroic image of being totally loyal and furious. The first half describes the grand and spacious banquet hall, the luxurious and rough banquet, Xiang Yu's power and indecision, and Fan Zeng's anxious expression three times, which can be described as vivid, magnificent and tense. The brushwork is vigorous and powerful, just like a huge oil painting painted with a poetic pen.
Poetry: Mo Gong Dance Poetry Author: Tang Dynasty Li He Poetry Classification: Ode