The story of a flying pig

"A Flying Pig" is a story about a child's rich imagination. In this story, the baby pig dreams of flying, but the pig's mother doesn't believe that it can really fly. This fetal education story tells us that a child's world needs a lot of fairy tales, and mothers may want to start sharing the good things in life with their babies. The mother might as well start sharing the good things in life with her baby now! At exactly twelve o'clock on Saturday night, the mother pig and all the little pigs were snoring and sleeping soundly. Nick the piggy couldn't sleep. He climbed up and pressed himself against the window, opening his big, bright eyes to look up at the starry night sky. A mass of something like cotton slowly drifted towards the pigsty. Four feet, a short tail, and big ears ...... are pigs, a group of pigs that can fly! Nick opened his mouth in amazement. Yes, it really was a herd of pigs. Nick could see them clearly. They gently waved their four feet, like rowing a boat, and slowly flew through the sky outside the window. One pig, due to its poor flying skills, crashed into a crow in flight. "Oooh wow-" The crow flipped several times in the air and looked at the pigs floating in mid-air, completely confused as to what had happened. "Mommy, a bunch of flying pigs!" Nick desperately arched his beak over his mommy pig's warm belly. "Silly boy, talking in your sleep. How can pigs fly? Go to sleep now." "But, mom ......," Nick muttered in a small voice, "it's true ...... If I could fly too, how wonderful it would be! ......" "Silly boy, settle down, don't even think about leaving the pigsty!" The pig's mother finished, snorting and sleeping again. It tickled. Nick took one step back to the corner, then ran hard for the fence. When he ran fast like that, he felt like he was about to fly. But as soon as he ran to the tall and sturdy fence, the feeling of flying immediately disappeared. "The fence is really high, there's no way I can fly over it." Nick braked sharply and nearly crashed into the fence. Again and again he ran toward the fence and came to a violent stop. At one point, the feeling that he was going to fly never went away. Nick threw himself headlong into the fence. Bang - he hit the ground hard, knocking out two of his front teeth. "Oh my God, all the signs are there: I've given birth to a not-so-normal piglet. It's a shame." Mommy pig sighed silently. "He's gone a little crazy. Let's stay away from him!" The other piglets murmured quietly. "Oh ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho," Nick couldn't forget the shouts of glee, the pigs gently waving their limbs and stretching like rowboats. It was twelve o'clock sharp on Saturday night. Nick backed into the corner once more, closed his eyes, and ran hard for the fence. This time, the feeling of flying never went away. Nick thought he was going to hit the fence again. But he felt himself getting lighter and lighter, rising upward like a balloon. He opened his eyes and, oh my God, he was over the fence and slowly floating toward the sky outside the pigsty! "I'm flying! Mom, I'm flying!" Nick squealed with delight. The pig's mom was sleeping so y that she didn't hear Nick's shouts. Nick had never seen such a wide sky, so many stars, so many mountains and trees, and owls, woodpeckers, frogs, squirrels ...... so many living creatures, and everything was so much more wonderful than the world he had seen in the pigpen! Nick let out an exclamation of admiration from the bottom of his heart. Far away in the night sky, a ball of something like cotton was floating and floating. Nick paddled his four feet and followed. Four feet, a short tail, and big ears ...... were a bunch of flying pigs! "Another flying pig, join us! We'll go on the back of the moon together." The herd of pigs greeted Nick in a friendly way. Nick followed the pigs as they flew and flew until they reached the back of the moon. There, every pig drank cinnamon wine made by Wu Gang himself. It was much more delicious than the wheat flour and potato skins in the pig trough. Later, the pigs did a foot-stomping dance on the moon's back. When Miss Chang'e saw them, she laughed and laughed. Nick had so much fun. When it was almost dawn, Nick felt very tired, he said goodbye to his partners and flew back to his pigsty. "Mom, I flew on the back of the moon yesterday." At breakfast, Nick told his mommy pig aloud as he smacked his semolina. "Silly boy, you're crazy about flying!" Mommy Pig said. "Hahaha ......" The other piglets laughed along. "There are other pigs who can fly ......" Nick's voice became small. Nick never wanted to mention it to anyone again. However, every Saturday night, while the other pigs were snoring and sleeping, Nick closed his eyes, took off at a fast pace, crossed the fence, and flew into the air, right on time for his wonderful date. Each time, they couldn't have had more fun. It was twelve o'clock sharp on another Saturday night. Nick and a group of flying pigs were soaring proudly through the sky. As they flew past a pigsty, a little piggy pressed himself against the window and gazed up at the starry night sky with big, bright eyes. He saw the flying herd of pigs. "Mommy, a herd of flying pigs!" The little piggy desperately arched his beak against his mommy pig's warm belly. "Silly boy, talking in your sleep. How can pigs fly? Go to sleep, don't think nonsense." Mommy pig snorted and got ready to sleep again. "But mom ......"