Baima Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Baima Town, Beiliu City, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, and a township/village combination area. The zoning code is 450981116206, and the first 6 digits of the resident's ID number is 450981. The postal code is 537000, and the long-distance telephone area code is 0775, and the license plate number is Gui K. Baima Village is adjacent to Huanglong Village, Chaxin Village, Jintou Village, Pangwei Village, Gengpang Village, Dongtang Village, Mutongyong Village, Huangjin Village and the community of Baima Wei.
Baima Village near the Dairong Mountain Forest Park, Leichong Ecological Resort, the former site of the organs of the Guangxi Special Committee of the C***, Luo political village, Li Mingrui, Yu Zuoyu Memorial Museum and other tourist attractions, Beiliu ceramics, Beiliu Lychee, Liangting Chicken, Beiliu Liangting Chicken, fried rice candy and other specialties.